Program areas at Northwest Ascending Campaign
Operation of Ministry Institute: Organize teachers, coordinate teaching facilities, equipment, materials, and provide transportation, accommodation, food, and materials for the equipping of church leaders to better spirits, minds, and skills for church ministry.
Practicum of church planting course: Train church leaders, form task forces, coordinate efforts and resources, and provide needed softwares, hardwares, and supervision to demonstrate to the students the practical process of church planting.
Practicum of Evangelism and World Mission course: Develop strategies and programs, coordinate with local churches, and organize Gospel teams of coaches and interns to provide real-world learning experiences of evangelism for different settings of city, campus and village, and cross-culture short-term missions.
Students ministries providing care, education, and outreach programs for k-12, colleges, orphanages, orphanage graduates, young leadership training, youth fellowship operations.