Program areas at NCH
Engaged in the practice of providing medical, occupational health, wellness and various other Healthcare services to patients in and throughout Northwest Community Healthcare's Community at various medical sites, including but not limited to, medical office locations, immediate care centers, specialty care centers, Community colleges and various organizations.
Northwest Community Healthcare owns and operates an 83,000 square foot wellness center on the campus of Northwest Community hospital. The facility provides fitness and wellness services to area residents. For the three months ended december 31, 2021 the wellness center has a total of 2,270 memberships. In addition, the wellness center donated memberships and free passes to armed service members, unrelated charities, and Community organizations throughout the year. The hospital also utilizes space at the wellness center for cardiac rehab and outpatient physical medicine and rehab.
The pho is an affiliation between Northwest Community hospital and practicing physicians on the nch medical staff. The pho's purpose is to obtain and manage contracts with health maintenance organizations (hmos), preferred provider organizations (ppos), and other health care payers to provide coordinated Healthcare to patient members of these plans, while effectively managing the cost and utilization of medical services. The pho serves as a vehicle for the hospital and its physicians to jointly participate in risk contracts with managed care plans, and provides a mechanism for physicians to participate in emerging accountable care models.
Northwest Community Healthcare rents space in its medical office buildings and other facilities located in arlington heights, buffalo grove, schaumburg, mt. Prospect, lake zurich, and palatine, Illinois to Northwest Community hospital, a related 501(c)(3) entity. The hospital uses this space for its exempt purposes, including the operations of five immediate care centers, imaging centers, and cardiac rehabilitation and physical medicine services. Rental income and income from affiliates were $657,580 and $41,130 for the year ended december 31, 2022. Northwest Community Healthcare also provides centralized investment and management services to related organizations.