Program areas at The Notah Begay Iii Foundation
Community empowerment: The Foundation's national grantmaking and technical support program is intended to provide native american communities, tribes, and native-led organizations with The tools, information, and inspiration for effective long-term change in their communities that benefits their children's health. The nb3 Foundation invests in community-led and culturally relevant programs that promote The four core areas of healthy nutrition, physical activity, youth development, and cultural connections. The nb3 Foundation continued to support collective impact and sustainability efforts this fiscal year with The previously awarded community empowerment grant. Native-led organizations and tribes were empowered to initiate and deepen their strategic network through strengthening community knowledge gatherings hosted by The grant team and community champions. During The grant's initial planning phase, community partners assessed their communities' needs with an environmental scan. The four community partners successfully collaborated with more than 15 tribal programs and/or entities to meet The needs of The youth and communities during their implementation phase. In collaboration with The nb3f indigenous and evaluation department, keeping track of their journey is a critical component to share not only with their communities, but also with leadership and funders. Each community partner was provided a tool to capture The story in video, photos, and data. This initiative provided technical assistance, strengthened collaboration opportunities, and inspired their organizations to continue working to improve and revitalize native children's health.
Evaluation and research: nb3 Foundation created an evaluation methodology that captures The essence of indigenous knowledge in a manner that was inherent to native communities' lived experiences and expertise. To enhance knowledge and decision-making The nb3 Foundation applied various methods of evaluation and research in three areas: 1) organizationally, 2) nb3fit and 3) community empowerment (grantmaking). Erd also presented at two national events, one at The national indian health board, national tribal public health summit with ms. gachupin and mr. arkie and ms. goldtooth-halwood taught a public health class for drexel university, dornsife school of public health, philadelphia, pa. In spring 2022, The first of its kind toolkit was published titled, keeping track: a toolkit for indigenous youth program evaluation designed to assess program and project results in native american communities from an indigenous perspective. Sections include a process that outlines The steps to development of an indigenous evaluation system for an organization, a project, or a program. They also include evaluation resources that provide several approaches, strategies and lessons to assist in The development of an evaluation system along with activities that will assist comprehension of evaluation concepts. The intent was to assist those with no prior knowledge of youth program evaluation by providing tips, tools and resources in one document. This to prepare them to take first steps to track and improve their community's health. In addition, a pueblo artist developed knowledge kit physical activity icons that reflect indigenous or native traditional activity.
Nb3fit is a youth development and leadership program currently serving native american and tribal communities in new mexico. A core purpose of The nb3fit program is to get native youth healthy and active through sports, utilizing a curriculum focused on The nb3 Foundation's four core areas of physical activity, healthy nutrition, youth development, and cultural connections. Nb3fit coaches teach about healthy food and nutrition so youth may make positive healthy lifestyle choices. The youth also learn leadership skills, incorporating cultural values where appropriate, including respect, self-persistence, teamwork, and self-discipline. In fiscal year 2022, participant numbers returned to levels experienced prior to The pandemic. Nb3fit provided in-person programming for new mexico youth including golf, track, a new summer sports camp, cross-country, and a new tennis initiative. In addition, The nb3fit youth golf team competed in over a dozen tournaments and The nb3 Foundation native youth golf championship hosted 60 youth golfers.