Program areas at NRECA
Technical, management and supervisory rural electrification engineering services. These programs provide rural electrification engineering management & supervisory assistance to customers. In 2023, the organization provided supervisory and technical advisory services to several operating cooperatives and foreign agencies in liberia, nigeria and mozambique. In haiti, Nreca International provided direct utility management services for the government of haiti to an existing operating utility.
Gis(geospatial information system) & gea(geospatial electrification analysis) consulting services. These program services provide various types of gis & gea engineering electrification mapping & survey assistance primarily to governments, foreign agencies and local communities located in developing countries. Some of the goals are to improve a utilities current existing electrical service areas, upgrade existing types of power generation or to provide new electrification mapping data information for a utilities expansion or initial start of electrical service.
Rural electrification development- specialized engineering/technical assistance, surveys & studies programs. These programs provide various types of rural electrification engineering, technical surveys & assistance to governments, agencies, communities and private entities located in developing countries. During 2023, Nreca International provided various types of specialized engineering technical support and assisted with rural electrification development in the following countries: angola, bangladesh, burundi, colombia, democratic republic of congo, ethiopia, ghana, guatemala, haiti, liberia, malawi, mozambique, nigeria, papua new guinea, philippines, uganda, zambia, and zimbabwe.
Overseas cooperative sponsored program
All other program services