Program areas at Oak Hill Drive Church of Christ Church
Evangelism, outreach, missions in 2020, Oak Hill emphasized support for the local homeless community with donations of foods and money to the local interfaith community services organization. We also maintained a "pantry" for direct support of those who appraoched the Church for help. (covid-19 has caused us to limit acyivities, however, that called for close socialization).
Benevolence this program is to support those - our members and others - who have fallen on hard times. Along with our outreach program, it provides assistance with food, transportation, lodging, help with various bills, auto repairs and even limited cash. (covid-19 has caused us to limit activities, however, that called for cclose socialization).
Youth/vacation bible school we believe that sponsered youth activities are an important ingredient for the spiritual growth of our young people. These programs promote activites that help our youth develop values important to their growth and development - so that they can become productive members of the society. Costs invovled include fees for transportation of youth to activities, food, rental equipment, teaching materials and a variety of incidentals. (covid-19 has caused us to limit activities, however, that called for close socialization).