Program areas at Oak Leyden Developmental Services
Community living Services served 54 residents in 12 community integrated homes (cila), housing 4-6 residents, with 24 hour personal care and meal support. We also serve 2 residents who reside in their own apartments and receive intermittent support. Residents have enjoyed numerous activities such as restaurants, bowling, movies, parties, zoo visits and much more.
The children Services program provided physical, speech, occupational and Developmental initial evaluations and direct therapy Services for 261 children birth through age 5 from 23 communities, resulting in over 6,173 contact hours of treatment. Children served in early intervention and over the age of 3 continued Services through insurance and private pay agreements.
Our lifelong learning centers provide daily structured programing taylored to meet the cognitve, social, and emotional needs of the 84 participants enrolled in at our Oak park location and our elmwood park program. Our programs focus on the developing social skills and interpersonal relationships. We provide participants the opportunity to engage in activities aimed at increasing their involvement in their community while learning life skills. Activities at both sites include advocacy, arts and crafts, music and choir, problem solving, health and wellness, community safety, field trips and numerous celebrations. The ol choir performs in several events in the community.
Other program Services include the supported employment program and clinic.