Program areas at Oca Opportunity Community Ability
Therapy: Oca offers one-on-one therapy in a clinical setting, schools, homes, and in the Community for participants that present with acquisition skill deficits and maladaptive behaviors. Behavior analysts and assistants observe across settings, use empirical data and provide a comprehensive service program to decrease problem behaviors and increase skills.
Summer camp: a pre-school camp and school age camp are offered at a low cost to families. The camp is ran by a trained staff of teachers, teacher assistants, and therapists who are behavior focused and have extensive knowledge of working with children with autism and other disabilities. Orange county atheltics ("Oca") camp is unique in that typical peers provide age appropriate modeling in social skills training, language development, and gross and fine motor movements.
Adult vocational training program provides unique learning opportunities for adults with autism and other disabilities in the greater orlando Community to develop vocational skills in a supported environment. On campus pre-vocational training developed by Oca staff is provided to build prerequiste vocational skills to enable success in off-campus business partnered work sites. Work opportunities utilize individuals' strengths and provide meaningful growth experience.
Recreation program: Oca offers a quality after school program that enhances children with special needs, social, emotional and physical well being. Children are engaged in daily physical activities, work on social and emotional skills while interacting 2-3 days of the week with their typical peers. School age children rotate between outdoor activities, computer/home time and the recreation room.