Program areas at Ohio Capital Impact Corporation
Capital for partners: funds are contributed to Ohio Capital Corporation for housing partners to support special initiatives, sponsorships, fundraising efforts, and educational conferences. This enables the partners to achieve and further enhance their mission.
Ocic jerry greer scholarship program: ocic provides residents of its partners the ability to apply for scholarships to 2 and 4 yearcolleges, earn performance grants based on their success, and apply for funding to earn their ged certificate.
Summer camp fund: provide grants to partners to support residents of low income housing projects through sending children to summer camps.
Digital inclusion: the fund was created to encourage innovation in digital inclusivity. Funds help support hardware and technical assistance to improve digital access. Hardware may include computers, wi-fi hot spots, tablets, and other personal devices. Funding can also be used to further digital literacy training and economic empowerment.
Ocic is proud to support the work of cpo Impact, an affiliate of community properties of Ohio created in 2007. In 2023 in funds were awarded for selected programs that interventions designed to increase housing stability, enhance neighborhood safety, and build on the capabilities of residents striving to cultivate their well-being, family stability, and their children's success.