Program areas at Ohio Credit Union League
Legislative & regulatory advocacy - the legislative and regulatoryinterests of Ohio's Credit unions are protected, represented, andadvanced by ocul at the state and federal levels. We conductrelationship building activities such as cu tours, legislative events,hike the hill, statehouse & capitol hill lobbying, and introduction oflegislation. We sponsor two pacs to support those elected officialsthat visibly support Credit unions and our issues. Grassroots activismis coordinated as needed.
Compliance support - Ohio member Credit unions receive access to toolsand other resources required to ensure compliance with applicable lawsand rules. Vehicles used to provide the support include staff experts,our web-based manual, infosight, weekly e-newsletters, periodic newsreleases, webinars, seminars, distance learning tools, and full accessto the materials provided by our national affiliate, cuna.
Communications & strategic resources - Ohio Credit unions receive theinformation and tools they need to engage important audiences such aslegislators, media, members and their communities from ocul. There areseveral vehicles for this information, all dedicated to the advancementof the Ohio Credit Union movement. Included are member communications,media relations, and strategic resources such as cuanalyzer, cuquarterly performance reports,, and currentconsumer data.