Program areas at OKBHC
The mental health program provides emergency crisis services, consultation, prevention/education, screening/assessment services, outpatient services that include: individual, family and group therapy, community stabilization services and special programs to meet the needs of special populations such as children, elderly and minorities. Obhc provided 10,324 mental health outpatient services hours, and 1,471 mental health crisis hours.
The shove house has eighteen shelter dorm and nine permanent supportive housing units for persons with mental illness and/or substance use problems in Okanogan county. The facility provides the only emergency shelter beds and permanent supportive units for individuals disabled by mental illness or substance use disorder in Okanogan county. The shove house served 394 clients, 3,003 dormitory bed nights, and 2,658 apartment bed nights.
The substance use disorder program provides information/referral services, evaluations services, outpatient services that include individual, group services and intensive outpatient services (iop), prevention/relapse services, adolescent services; alcoholism and drug addiction treatment support act services, and community education services. Obhc provided 8,806 substance use disorder outpatient service hours.
The developmental disabilities program provides contracted dda adult day services support for community inclusion and supported employment. In fy 2023 the program subcontracted ci and ie services to northwest center, providing 3,771 hours of direct service to dda eligible adults. The program also provides community supports through school transition supports and the job foundation pilot program, community education and information programs and resource sharing, including sponsorship of the Okanogan county parent to parent coordinator and program.
Adult felony drug court is a three-phase program plus a voluntary continuing care phase for adults who have pled guilty to one or more non-violent drug offenses and who are having difficulty staying clean and sober. It is a collaborative effort between the superior court judge, prosecuting attorney's office, public defenders office, Okanogan county sheriff's office, Okanogan Behavioral Healthcare, community supervision officer, therapeutic court coordinator and treatment program. This program provided 18 service hours during the year.