Program areas at Old Colony Young Men's Christian Association
Government funded programs and social responsibilityold Colony ymca is a premier human and social service provider in Massachusetts. We hold contracts with the office of trial court - community justice supoort centers, the department of early education and care, department of youth services, department of children and families, department of mental health, department of public health, and the executive office of housing and livable communities (formerly the department of housing and community development). Located throughout Massachusetts, ymca social service programs work to strengthen families and ensure youth have a long-term system of wraparound support and resources they need to succeed as they transition to adulthood. Our nonprofit status qualifies the ymca to execute these commonwealth-funded contracts, which are complemented by all other y services - services that are not often available or offered by other social service fy23, we provided residential detention, stabilization, and reintegration services for more than 1,000 adolescent males and females. Each participant receives classroom instruction, ged preparation, psychosocial assessments, shelter, mentoring, mental health services, drug abuse prevention services, family intervention sessions, and access to ymca facilities. These programs include the brockton detention program, boys revocation program, girls secure detention program, brockton and new bedford emergency residences, southeast independent living program, lowell transition program, boys and girls youth and Young adult residences in fall river, and merrimack revocation.other community-based programs for youth, Young adults, and families include dmh-funded intensive home-based community services, dcf-funded sparks adolescent program and community-based programs, and two family resource centers (taunton and newly opened attleboro), dys-funded community services network and new diversion program, occ-funded community justice support centers representing 10 counties, and dol-funded premier workforce development programs youthbuild brockton and fall river.all families experiencing homelessness, whether entering our programs for the first time or transitioning out, receive wraparound supports and case management, along with an array of other services through the ymca and our community partners. Three dhcd-funded facilities - the bolton place family center, the david jon louison center, and the family life center - combined to serve 521 women, men, and children on site and in the community. Our fully licensed mental health and substance use clinic rebranded and relocated. Now known as comprehensive counseling, we provided services to 359 clients and launched a new open access model with the goal of reducing wait times for clients. The clinic has also mobilized its services in recent years, and now deploys behavioral specialists at camp locations throughout the summer to provide additional support to campers. In fy23, children participated in 4,236 camper support sessions.
Membership and healthy livingold Colony ymca has been providing health and wellness services and programming for 136 years, and is proud to have served 68,451 members during fy23. We continue our commitment for all people to have access to programs, memberships, and services, and thus we offer financial assistance for all prospective participants based on household income. In fy23, we welcomed more than 1.2 million visits to our branches.healthy living and chronic disease initiatives - Old Colony ymca leads work within community coalitions inside and outside our walls to offer medically based solutions to chronic diseases, fight cancer and diabetes, reduce health disparities amongst diverse populations, and view community health through a lens that is inclusive of all members regardless of race, age, economic status, or transportation. We work with community leaders, schools, medical professionals, and government to promote healthier lifestyles, increase cultural competency, create community linkages, and health people engage in the development of holistic vision for the spirit, mind, and body.old Colony ymca is comprised of 11 branches. In addition to three specialty, community branches (community-based child care, family services, and social services), we provide a multitude of other services for people of all ages and abilities through eight other locations: brockton central, brockton youth, east bridgewater, easton, middleboro, plymouth, stoughton, and taunton. Instructors and ymca staff demonstrate the y's core values of caring, honesty, respect, and responsibility in all that we do.
Child care and youth developmentold Colony ymca uses developmentally appropriate, evidence and research-based approaches to youth development. We pay particular attention to a child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical growth. These principles permeate all our youth-centered programming. For parents who cannot afford services like camp, child care, or other services, financial assistance is programs like youth focus in brockton, the ymca mobilizes services beyond its walls and brings services to people where they are, improving accessibility and reception. During the school year, we provided afterschool care at brockton housing authority developments, and engaged 125 youth in fy23 in academic support, field trips, art, and recreational activities. The drop-in teen program is another example, as more than 300 Young people participated in our summer in the city program in fy23. To combat violence, gang activity, and general negative influences during the often forgotten summer months, we offer engaging daily events including sports, art, and educational activities free of charge to engage this hard-to-reach population.we served about 3,600 children daily at 45 child care and school age sites located throughout southeastern Massachusetts in fy23, nearly half of which receive financial assistance either via the commonwealth or Old Colony ymca's private scholarship program. Old Colony ymca is the largest provider of early childhood education/child care in southeastern Massachusetts, offering infant, toddler, pre-school, and after-school programs. Child care is also provided at our camp an effort to pair youth with a caring adult role model, the y offers two models of mentoring from the recently rebranded ocy mentoring: one-on-one community-based mentoring, as well as site-based group mentoring. Additional targeted youth development initiatives include summer leaders (camp and role modeling), kidz konnect (violence prevention and youth voice), youth and government (civic engagement), and various programs focused on reducing the academic achievement gap. Together, these programs create a continuum of services for youth of all ages. In total, these programs served 330 adolescents in fy23.old Colony ymca welcomed 2,354 campers to more than 12,797 sessions of summer camp this year. Of those participants, half received financial assistance. Camp clark in plymouth, ymca camp in stoughton, camp satucket in east bridgewater, camp yomechas in middleboro, and camp massasoit in brockton provide children with opportunities to continue learning, developing, and socializing during the summer months. Camp also offers leadership opportunities for older campers as part of our leader in training, counselor in training, or summer leaders programs. As a complement to summer camp, the y engages local school districts to offer free academic programming throughout the summer that couples with a unique camp experience to combat summer learning loss. The powerscholars program aims to increase elementary school literacy and math levels often lost during the summer, while summer leaders asks incoming high school students to serve as role models at camp.