Program areas at One Hope of Northern Colorado
To connect with churches, ministries, mission organizations, and influencers in the ten fields of society to share resources, care more deeply for each other, and effectively coordinate city-wide initiatives. Through events, publications, social media, websites, and more, One Hope is promoting the missional activities originating out of Colorado. Many great people and ministries are touching locally and reaching globally.
One Hope knows that as people connect and worship new ideas, strategies, leaders, ministries, and even movements will spring forth. One Hope is a catalyst for starting, blessing, and supporting these new works. One Hope is especially pursuing church growth and evangelism strategies for gospel movement.
One Hope is building a region-wide house of prayer. This includes having a place of day and night ministry hosted by the churches of the region/city. One Hope is not a local fellowship. It is a fellowship of churches working together in unity towards extraordinary, continuous prayer. The house of prayer also extends into prayer walks, unique events, retreats, and other prayer initiatives. Even further One Hope is working toward the worship-prayer being in every field of society.