Program areas at OneEighty
Outpatient:the outpatient counseling office provides: assessment; individual, group, family, and mental health counseling; substance use counseling; couples counseling; case management; and crisis intervention services in offices in wayne and holmes counties. Clients may also receive medication assisted treatment, residential, and peer support services as an aspect of their treatment. These services are primarily available to individuals experiencing difficulties due to substance use, domestic violence, mental health concerns, sexual assault, or other stressors in their lives. Oneeighty offers two intensive outpatient addiction treatment programs. Choices is designed to treat individuals struggling with chemical dependency in an outpatient setting. Cadet is a similar substance use treatment program offered to inmates at the wayne county justice center. Both programs include clinical evaluations, treatment for chemical dependency, therapy, and aftercare services.
Victim:oneeighty offers a temporary emergency shelter to victims of domestic violence and their children. Our domestic violence shelter offers comprehensive recovery services including case management, domestic abuse counseling, educational classes, housing assistance, life skills, and parenting courses. The shelter is also available for women and their children who are experiencing homelessness.oneeighty offers professional mental health counseling for adults and children who are victims and survivors of domestic violence, family abuse, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and other forms of trauma. Individual, couples, and family counseling is offered to help those affected by these traumatic experiences.oneeighty provides the following victim services - 24-hour hotline, crisis shelter, victim advocacy, outpatient counseling for victims and children and outreach services.
Residential:the women's residential treatment center (wrtc) and pathway programs have been designed to provide treatment for substance use disorders in a residential setting, to assist clients with gaining recovery tools to allow for long-term sobriety, and to assist clients in their transition back into the community as stable, self-sufficient citizens. Children can be accommodated at both facilities to enable and develop positive and healthy parental relationships including a special playroom that was created at wrtc.
Medical:the medication assisted treatment (mat) program is a well-documented evidence-based option that may be offered to individuals suffering from opioid and alcohol dependence. Oneeighty follows the chronic care model, using the 6 dimensions of asam (american society of addiction medicine), clients are assessed for severity of each dimension and then a treatment plan is initiated accordingly.
Community relations and prevention:the community relations and prevention department provides multiple prevention and education services in wayne and holmes counties for community groups, schools, businesses, and individuals in the community. Their goal is to provide education about the effects of substance use, domestic violence, safe dating, and other topics in a way that promotes positive mental health and wellness. The community relations and prevention department also focuses on substance use prevention and other risky behaviors through the development of protective factors.
Recovery services:oneeighty peer recovery services (prs) are community-based services for individuals with mental illness and/or substance use disorder, and include treatment programs, services, and activities that promote recovery, self-determination, self-advocacy, well-being, and independence. The recovery program uses addiction recovery coaches to serve as mentors and coaches, to support individuals along their recovery journey.
Supportive services:the housing and supportive services program is a family assistance program that serves to help vulnerable or at-risk families achieve stabilized permanent housing and connects them with the resources that will allow them to sustain their housing.once families are in stable housing, the issues that may have caused homelessness can be addressed through intensive case management services, direct financial assistance, help accessing necessary benefits or services, guidance in obtaining affordable housing or housing subsidies, assistance seeking employment, and any other family assistance services that a household may need to stabilize and sustain their housing.