Program areas at OPEN DOOR Mission and Lydia HOUSE
Overnight shelter, food, clothing, and laundry provided to individuals and families. This year Open Door Mission made an impact by providing 157,195 nights of safe shelter and 1.42 million nutritious meals to feed the hungry. Changed lives along with 11,079 volunteers giving more than 47,245 hours of their valuable time.
Provide transitional housing to individuals and families while they transition into full time employment or into school. Provide permanent supportive housing to individuals and families.
Support to the general public by providing food, clothing, medical care, education and 40 other programs for free to those in need. This year Open Door Mission celebrated 85 graduates from life-changing programs, and empowered 26,772 individuals to remain in their own homes and prevent homelessness through its programming and support. Additionally, Open Door Mission diverted 528 patients experiencing homelessness from hospital emergency room visits, preserving vital medical care resources. Redistributed or recycled over 5 million pounds of gift in-kind donations from generous donors.
Support for the general public by providing education.
Ministry to others through providing spiritual and practical education for the general public and above two groups.