Program areas at Open Environmental Data
Beyond compliance: the beyond compliance network repurposes available Open Data beyond its original government intent by creating systems that make Data usable for new community, health, and science research.
Environmental Data stewardship: with our Data stewardship work, oedp researches and demonstrates how Open Data streams and governance can preserve and protect local values while enabling timely, relevant, and trustworthy decision-making by community members and partners. We design and test community-responsive Environmental Data workflows, build sustainable networks of Environmental Data stewards, and expand the focus from Open Data to usable Open Data in Environmental problem-solving.
Socio-environmental knowledge commons (seekcommons): seekcommons is a collaborative project that has created a network dedicated to building pathways for horizontal collaborations between Open science practitioners, and sts and socio-environmental researchers working with climate-impacted communities. The project accomplishes this through supporting a project team research, conducting virtual and in person convenings, convening a fellowship program, building a Data facilitators consortium, and maintaining a resource hub.
Research and policy: opportunity briefs and brain trusts: research andpolicy, presented through opportunity briefs which highlight places forchange in Environmental Data and governance that can be implemented bygovernment, researchers, designers, and others. We place these briefsdirectly in the hands of people who can affect change through ourpartnerships and workshops. Opportunity briefs are created with ourbrain trusts, a 7-10 person, multi-sector circle of people who cometogether in discussion before each brief is crafted.
Data dialogues and other narrative building around Data: through datadialogues, we brings together people working with Environmental datain different sectors, to share their learnings and experiences workingwith Environmental Data. With this project, we aim to effect a changein cultural and social understandings of where Environmental Data hasan impact. Data dialogues is part of a broader effort to use multimediacontent in order to connect Data producers, users, designers, and others.