Program areas at Open Table Ministry
Case Management: Provide holistic personal care to individuals who are homeless or formerly homeless. We focus on identifying permanent housing, access to physical/mental healthcare, and building support by using various evidenced based practices. In 2023 we purchased 22 long-range bus tickets so individuals could return to their family support network. We spent $1,324 on prescription medications for individuals who would not have been able to afford their medications otherwise. We also moved 8 individuals and families into apartments in which we provided furnishing and kitchenware. Office Hours: Walk-in appointments where our staff provide a listening ear and assistance navigating Durhams homeless services. In 2023 our team served 160 individuals who came to access Office Hours and helped 397 connect with mail services (using our physical address). To help make the initial step in overcoming housing and employment barriers we assisted 72 individuals with acquiring critical identification documents including: 33 State IDs, 47 Social Security Cards, and 38 Birth Certificates.
Emergency Winter Shelter: Offer emergency short-term respite during the coldest months of the year. In 2023 our team worked to provide 169 individuals (85 children and 83 adults) with 1,843 nights of shelter. Case managers worked closely to coordinate wrap-around services and helped 13 households connect to positive destinations (permanent housing, long-term shelter, or reconnecting with family).
Free Store & Get to Work: Provide our homeless clients with basic needs such as new clothing, shoes, hygiene items, and sleeping bags to keep sheltered from the weather, and furniture/basic household goods for those transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing. In 2023, the Free Store served 916 individuals and distributed 27,280 items including 6,404 pairs of socks, 522 winter coats, 715 jackets, 1,079 pairs of shoes, and 1,807 hygiene kits.Our Get to Work program provides work-related items such as work boots, nonslip shoes, and uniform components to individuals who have job opportunities for which such items are required, thus enabling them to start work immediately. In 2023, we served 44 clients and provided them with various work gear.