Program areas at Opera America
National Opera center - Opera America's national Opera center is a state-of-the-art rental facility for the Opera community and also houses the organization's administrative offices. Custom-built to respond to the industry's need for suitable audition, rehearsal and recording facilities, specially equipped rooms facilitate co-production meetings, design presentations and professional development activities, as well as a wide range of artistic work - from performances to readings of new works and lectures. State-of-the-art electronic media technology for streaming and video conference overcomes the barrier of geography for this widely dispersed, yet highly collaborative, industry.
Opera America hosts an annual conference and a range of workshops and seminars for administrative professionals and artists to discuss issues, encourage collaboration and explore the values that form the foundation of our service to our communities through a range of workshops and seminars.
Artistic services - repertoire development grants, Opera discovery and commissioning grants for women composers, Opera grants for composers and librettists of color and creative and professional development program for new composers and librettists of color support experimental methods of presenting Opera and encourage ethnic, cultural and gender diversity in all dimensions of a project. A new works forum convenes composers, librettists, designers, producers and publishers to share knowledge about methods for ensuring the successful creation and production of new operatic works. The onstage program is a series of events offering the public an opportunity to hear from and interact with major talents within the Opera world. (continued schedule o)professional development programs offer tools and advice for singers to hone their skills and further their careers.
Membership services
Public relations/martketing
Learning, leadership & artist development
Public affairs
Information svcs & publications