Program areas at Operation Hope
HOPE INSIDE - HOPE Inside gives clients the resources to improve their financial situations. Through our 700-credit score initiative, we approve clients as soon as they seek assistance, commit to the resolution of primary credit denial factors, and raised FICO scores an average of 41 points. Programs offered: Financial Literacy Workshops, Entrepreneurial Training and counseling for Foreclosure Prevention, Money Management, Homeownership, Small Business, and Credit & Money Management. In 2023, HOPE provided 278,369 adult services and expanded our HOPE Inside network to 260 locations. Our clients achieved the following: Increased savings by $1,116 and reduced debt by $1,892.
1MBB HOPEs 1 Million Black Businesses initiative (1MBB) provides the black community a successful path to wealth creation through sustainable and profitable business ownership. 1MBB participants can take advantage of coaching and educational services, access to expert volunteers and more. The 1MBB Initiative is an extension of the HOPE Small Business program with access to additional resources as made possible by support from key 1MBB partners. HOPEs team of dedicated Small Business Coaches can help entrepreneurs and new or existing small business owners identify their key needs and then provide the education, coaching and connections needed to improve their businesses. From program inception to date, HOPE has supported more than 388,703 unique black-owned businesses, which accounts for approximately 10% of all black-owned businesses in the U.S.
Youth HOPEs Banking on our Future (BOOF) program has operated in 304 U.S. cities and 3 provinces in South Africa and has educated over 1 million youth. The program is the recipient of the 11th John Sherman Award for Financial Education given by the US Treasury Department. HOPEs Business in A Box Academies (HBIABA) is a national initiative to harness the economic energy of Youth and bring positive role models into underserved communities. HOPEs Child Savings Account (CSA) program provides qualifying Atlanta Public Schools (APS) kindergartners with a free savings account and a one-time deposit of $50. The savings accounts are a starting point reserved for expenses related to post-secondary education and career preparation. In 2023, HOPE impacted and serviced 10,141 youth and young adults.