Program areas at Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development
Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD) is a community-based organization that utilizes community organizing and policy research as strategies to build leadership and a collective voice. We pursue policy changes that lead to a systems change, including an inclusive economy, community-driven education, and responsive democracy. We provide leadership development training to low-income residents and workers, and we train residents and stakeholders on community organizing, nonpartisan political reform, affordable/fair housing initiatives, economic development policy, community-driven education, and provide naturalization immigration services.OCCORD's Anaheim and Santa Ana programs develop leadership and build organizational structures to engage residents and stakeholders in nonpartisan political reform, affordable/fair housing initiatives, and economic development decisions that affect their lives. Through strategic, coalitional outreach, we train local and regional groups to work collaboratively. Through targeted neighborhood-based outreach, we train new leaders and build sustainable organizational infrastructure in low-income communities of color.In 2022, OCCORD finalized its months-long Strategic Planning Process that reflected the voice of community and community stakeholders. We unveiled our new Five Year Strategic Plan focused on our new mission: to build the power of historically marginalized communities in Orange County. OCCORD utilizes community organizing and policy research to build leadership and a collective voice. We pursue policy changes that lead to an inclusive economy, community-driven education, and responsive democracy.OCCORD continued to launch OCCORD's Leadership Academy and began to test our newly developed Digital Organizing Academy. Our training program empowers community members by helping them understand how to create change around issues that affect them and their communities. Participants learn how to examine through a lens of opportunity and oppression, learn tools for developing powerful, comprehensive campaigns, and address issues on public policy in Orange County and beyond. Our Digital Organizing Academy, a boot camp-style program, is designed to pass along the knowledge, skills, and tools we use as an organization to push for change. The Academy includes workshops on developing an outline for a campaign, effective strategies for educating the public, skillshare sessions on creating content such as graphics and videos and using digital tools to engage people online and get them to participate in actions offline. We had over 32 leaders go through our leadership training. In direct response to the COVID-19 pandemic, OCCORD led important COVID-19 advocacy, outreach, and education work. OCCORD led vaccine outreach and education work by addressing vaccine misinformation and hesitancy through our social media. We shared information given to us by health officials and addressed community members' questions during our live video sessions. OCCORD also addressed housing issues that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. When housing insecurity became an issue in our community, we began to host virtual housing informational sessions to inform residents about their rights as tenants and rental assistance programs. OCCORD staff aided many residents through rental assistance program applications, which proved very successful. Ultimately, we were able to help many residents avoid homelessness and continue to have shelter through the pandemic.During the 2022 Elections, OCCORD continued to meet the moment through nonpartisan Get Out the Vote efforts. OCCORD focused on nonpartisan educational candidate forums, canvassing, and phone banking to ensure the civic participation of our community members. Through our outreach efforts, we successfully knocked on over 2,746 doors, called over 20,758 individuals, and texted over 54,230 community members.OCCORD's Citizenship Program provides naturalization assistance, civics classes, training, and leadership development, enabling immigrant workers and residents to become full participants in the democratic process. We work with local and regional organizations to provide these services to their members and constituents. In 2023, OCCORD continued our 1-on-1 client services to help individuals navigate the naturalization process, and for the second time since the pandemic, we were able to host our Citizenship Mega Fair. All of OCCORD's citizenship services were provided free of charge to participants. Additionally, OCCORD continued offering citizenship preparation classes virtually and in person. More than 132 residents were helped with applications.