Program areas at Orange County Council
Activities: this represents a wide variety of activities and events including district events such as camporee, training for adult leaders and adult leader recognition dinner. Additionally, Council sponsored events and activities are included such as scouting programs, rowing, commissioner college, venturing activities, exploring activities, high adventure training, national youth leadership training, wood badge, scout-o-rama, eagle scout recognition dinner and the Council annual dinner.
Day camps: our districts conduct a cub scout day camp in locations around the County. More than 2,000 first-fifth graders attend this week-long activity with their parents and leaders which are often held at city park facilities. Scouts are able to play games, make crafts, and learn the saftey rules and skills to shoot archery and bb guns. Day camp for many is the highlight of their scouting year. Hundreds of volunteers help make this program possible.
Camping: this represents events and activities at schoepe scout reservation at lost valley, oso lake, newport sea base and the irvine ranch outdoor education center. Thousands of youth and adults use our facilities year round while spending time in the outdoors and learning lifelong skills. Spending time in the outdoors is a key tool to delivering the program that allows youth to have positive experiences with adult mentors. Our facilities provide a unique and safe atmosphere for our youth.
Revenue includes Council program fees, Council insurance fees, trading post, vendor rebates