Program areas at Orchard Africa
Food & Agriculture Program : Orchard: Africa equips & funds local churches to fun daily meal programs for vulnerable children. The organization also equips and empowers churches to develop church gardens and to teach vertical farming methods to congregation members, in order for them to produce food for themselves and thus bring sustainable food security to the community. More than 12.7 million meals have been provided in vulnerable communities and over 75,000lbs of food were distributed in 2023. To date 4,367 individuals have been trained in sustainable small scale agriculture. Over 17,000 seedlings were distributed to assist community members with starting there own gardens during 2023.
EDUCATION PROGRAM : Orchard:Africa helps churches to start pre-schools to encourage love of learning from a young age, and to start after school learning programs, which include educational assistance, sport & recreational activities. The organization assists churches with basic entrepreneurial and life skills programs, which help school leaving children to develop vocational and income generating skills. To date 11,836 children have enrolled in Orchard: Africa sponsored pre-schools and there have been 1.1 million visits to after school learning centers. During 2023 Orchard: Africa provided 205 training hours to help entrepreneurs grow or start new businesses. The Orchard: Africa Women's Empowerment program has provided mentoring, support and life skills to 75 women from vulnerable communities. Approximately 70% of the women ahve been able to start and income generating small business.
MINISTRY PROGRAM: Orchard: Africa believes that the Church is the primary channel through which to respond to poverty & injustice in Africa.Through the Ministry Program, Orchard: Africa empowers African church leaders with skills to provide emotional, physical, social & spiritual care to the vulnerable in their community. The Ministry Program provides church leaders with tools (programs) to actively lead and care for their community, and to restore hope through their churches. At the same time, the leaders in the Western church are empowered to respond in sustainable ways to the needs of the African church. During 2023, Orchard: Africa provided 42,241 training hours developing pastors and ministry leaders who serve vulnerable communities. More than 300 churches are implementing programs developed by Orchard: Africa and over 60 of these churches have received funding from Orchard: Africa.
Orchard: Africa empowers local churches and church leaders to be the response to poverty & injustice, by equipping the church to implement Care programs which include orphan intervention, homed based care and AIDS prevention programs. Orchard: Africa also equips the the local church to implememnt administrative, development and fundraising activities.