Program areas at Order of Malta - American Association
Grants are given to charities nationally.
Other program activities include a variety of programs held throughout the year among our twenty-nine volunteer-led areas, throughout the country. These activities include events and programs held to raise awareness and funds used to support our charitable and religious activities. Other programs include sub-priory, prison ministry, communications, spirituality in action, our lady of good help and other membership related activities.
Lourdes pilgrimage - annual pilgrimage to lourdes, france. In 2023, we took 292 people to lourdes, which included 38 malades (the sick) and 44 caregivers. Also attending were medical teams, knights and dames of Malta, members of the clergy, candidates for the Order of Malta and other volunteers. The pilgrimage is aimed at providing spiritual and possible physical healing.
The investiture program is the process by which candidates, usually 70 to 90 individuals, prepare to be accepted into the Order. The preparation period is one year and contains three elements: an educational program, opportunities for spiritual growth and development and hands on work with the sick and the poor overseen by the area chairs. When completed, the candidate submits an application that is approved by the board and the Sovereign council in rome. The formal investiture ceremony occurs annually in november.