EIN 31-1012952

Oregon Swimming

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
Oregon Swimming builds and promotes the sport of competitive swimming to help swimmers achieve their maximum potential. The organization provides member clubs with clinics, governance opportunities, and administrative functions while making donations totaling $1,822.82 to coaches, officials and member clubs. Oregon Swimming generously provided all-star athlete teams with transportation, lodging, apparel, food and beverage, entry fees and entertainment for 125 athletes, coaches, managers and chaperones participating in 3 events in 2022.
Related structure
Oregon Swimming is child organization, under the parent exemption from USA Swimming.
Also known as...
USA Swimming
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at Oregon Swimming

All-star athlete teams: Oregon Swimming provided transportation, lodging, food/beverage, apparel, entry fees, and entertainment for 125 athletes, coaches, managers and chaperones to attend and compete in 3 different events in 2022.
Oregon Swimming championships: Oregon Swimming offered 5 different championship events that 1850 athletes, 250 coaches, 235 officials and 200 support staff attended.
National travel: Oregon Swimming provided reimbursement for travel expenses for 110 qualifying athletes, coaches and officials to 8 different national championships during 2022.
Oregon Swimming offers clinics, administrative functions, and governance opportunities to all Oregon Swimming member clubs (approximately 5,000 individuals). The organization made 3 donations totaling $1,822.82 to member clubs, coaches and officials to support their operations.

Personnel at Oregon Swimming

Jacki AllenderSwims Chair / Safe Sport Chair / Safe Sport Coordinator / Safe Sport Coordinator / Safe Sport Coordinator / President and General Chair$0
Shelly RawdingTechnical Planning Chair$0
Rick GuentherSenior Vice - Chair$0
Rhonda SouleTreasurer$0
Emily MelinaGeneral Chair$0
...and 13 more key personnel

Financials for Oregon Swimming

RevenuesFYE 12/2022
Total grants, contributions, etc.$0
Program services$294,176
Investment income and dividends$48,499
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$151
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$10,072
Total revenues$352,898

Form 990s for Oregon Swimming

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2022-122023-11-15990View PDF
2021-122022-10-12990View PDF
2020-122021-07-09990View PDF
2019-122021-01-21990View PDF
2018-122019-12-09990View PDF
...and 6 more Form 990s
Data update history
December 28, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
December 27, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 3 new personnel
November 25, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
May 8, 2023
Updated personnel
Identified 2 new personnel
December 1, 2022
Updated personnel
Identified 6 new personnel
Nonprofit Types
Amateur sports clubsSports organizationsChapter / child organizationsCharities
Human servicesSports
State / local levelEndowed supportCommunity engagement / volunteeringTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
PO Box 449
West Linn, OR 97068
Metro area
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA
Clackamas County, OR
Website URL
(503) 747-3702
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
N67: Swimming, Water Recreation
NAICS code, primary
713990: Amateur Sports, Youth Sports, and Recreational Services
Parent/child status
Child within group exemption
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