Program areas at Oromo Community Minneapolisst
Family coaching helping new refugees and asylees with tutoring and navigating schools, as well as setting educational goals and providing support in realization of better behavioral and academic outcomes
Employment providing job placement and retention support, job readiness skills, career exploration and counseling, exposure to external internships, and job advocacy.
Health wellness & outreach hosting covid 19 vaccination events. Helping to apply for health insurance, connecting clients with resources, and advocating for community-wide awareness on prevention programs and health education
Transportation providing transportation services to appointments and events for elders and clients who dont drive.
General social services providing free translation and interpretation services for newly arriving refugees and asylum seekers with no resources nor connections. Also helps individuals with limited english fill out benefit application forms. Writing support letters and making referrals to governmental and non-profit service provider agencies.
Community events ocm played a pivotal role in strengthening the cultural cohesion of the Community by serving as a convener of cultural events and celebrations. Notable events included: the july 4th Community picnic, the Oromo student graduation celebration, christmas lunch, iftar muslims fasting dinner, and Community engagements and discussion panels.