Program areas at Orthodox Christian Network
Free Orthodox Christian programs: as smartphones and other internet-connected devices have become more widespread, 85% of americans use the internet every day. We are connected to the internet like never before entering the digital age of our faith. The ocn is the vehicle that brings our faith to us any day, anytime, and anywhere we find ourselves throughout the world. Ocn provides streaming Orthodox Christian worship services, interviews, resources, programs, video, music. Our programs cover a broad spectrum of relevant, interactive, educational, and inspirational content that reaches children, teenagers, families, young adults, adults and seniors in 190 countries.
Myocn virtual community: 55% of us adults interact more with people in online communities than in-person communities. We live in a world that has already shifted everything to remote, this number can only go up. Ocn virtual interactive community continues to grow; where 6500 members began the myocn ecosystem. Ocn continues to build partnerships with priests, organizations, parishes, and teams that are dedicated to Orthodox advocacy online platform one can rely on. We hosted 179 programs in 2023 and inspired/ educated 76,900 people through virtual programming.
Orthodox advocacy: 28 million americans have used the internet to get religious and spiritual information and connect with others on their faith journeys. Since 1995, ocn has been the global advocate for Orthodox christianity engaging Orthodox christians, believers of other faiths, and nonbelievers throughout the world to facilitate the social ethos of orthodoxy in areas such as: war and peace, religion and science, environment, marriage and family, ecumenical and interfaith relations and dialogue, religion and the public square, poverty and wealth, orthodoxy and human rights. Ocn's social media presence and engagement grew over the previous year with a social media audience of 785,165 worldwide, forging a thriving international online community to assist in philanthropy and make a beneficial impact on society.