Program areas at Our Hospice of South Central Indiana
Hospice exists to provide care and support to individuals and their families in the last phases of an incurable disease so that they may live as fully and comfortably as possible. Bereavement services are provided to family members and/or significant others for 13 months following a death. An interdisciplinary team cares for the physical, psychosocial, spiritual and emotional needs of those who choose ohsci, whether it is a matter of days, weeks, or months. Services are provided in a variety of settings, including the patient's home, a long-term care facility, an assisted living facility or the Hospice inpatient facility. A team of highly skilled professionals and volunteers are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.ohsci is licensed by the state of Indiana and certified by the federal government. Medicare, medicaid and private insurance cover most services. Additional funds are raised through memorials, private donations, fund-raising activities, grants and the united way. To ensure that care can be provided regardless of ability to pay, ohsci is a community resource for end-of-life care. Hospice professionals and volunteers are available to participate in educational offerings in a variety of settings, including churches, schools, civic organizations, and other health care 2023, 1,420 patients and families received 97,981 days of care. Additionally, bereavement services provided to 3,830 Hospice bereaved families in 2023. Approximately 6.5% of ohsci's annual budget is raised each year to provide the specialized care needed by the terminally ill and their families. You are welcome to visit Our website at wwwourhospiceorghttpwwwourhospice... for additional information and to view photos of the inpatient facility.ohsci began offering palliative care in 2019 because of the belief it is the right thing to do. We depend on donors to fund this important specialty because it is minimally reimbursed (less than 19%) through insurance, medicare and medicaid. Bringing excellent, compassionate palliative care to the members of Our communities allows us to further fulfill Our mission; to make every moment count for Our patients and their families.