Program areas at Outdoor Stewards of Conservation Foundation
Research project: native americans participation in, and perceptions towards hunting, trapping, and target shooting. Little was known about america's first outdoorsmen so oscf submitted a grant proposal and received funding to learn about native americas' current participation in hunting, trapping, and target shooting. A nationwide survey was administered and 2,000 responses were analyzed and used to develop a webinar and final report showing insights gained and recommended actions.
Come with! : research shows that the best way to increase participation in Outdoor activities such as hunting, fishing, trapping or target shooting is to have an experienced person invite someone new to these activities. Oscf's "come with!" Communication recruitment program works with industry and state agency partners reminding current participants to invite someone to come with! Them the next time they head to the woods, waters or range.
Fill a bag while filing your tag: this program works with Outdoor industry manufacturers and state wildlife agencies to distribute reusable, biodegradable bags to hats (hunters, anglers, trappers, shooters) all across america. Bags are preprinted with partners message, logo, social tags, and a qr code that provides instruction on usage. Hats take the bags with them when the head outdoors to the woods, waters or range and use the bags to take out any trash they may come across. Hats post photos or brief videos of them with their bags and trash to their social media to get credit for being Stewards of Conservation. Social posts include the hashtag; #trophytrash, so that oscf can monitor and repost them.