Program areas at Outward Bound Center for Peacebuilding
OBCP facilitated two Education & Training programs, engagingparticipants and instructors from different countries. OBCP hosted itsfourth annual Practicum on Experiential Peacebuilding (PEP), a 10-dayexpedition program for conflict resolution professionals and students.Ten students from US, Nigeria, Turkey, Mexico, and the Philippinesparticipated in the PEP, delivered in partnership with Outward BoundCosta Rica and the University for Peace. OBCP facilitated its firstthree-day Facilitator Training in Berkeley, California in order todevelop a cadre of facilitators who have strong skill sets thatcomplement and support OBCP's methodology. Ten Outward Boundinstructors from the US, Canada, Croatia, and Ecuador attended thetraining.OBCP facilitated workshops at Columbia University, New York University,Hunter College, the U.S. State Department, New Sector Alliance, theAnnual Academic Symposium: Innovation in Graduate Peace and ConflictResolution Education at Georgetown University, and at the Rotarv International Convention in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Through these programs,OBCP sustained successful partnerships with great organizationsincluding Outward Bound Croatia, Outward Bound Costa Rica, OutwardBound Slovakia, the United Nations University for Peace in Costa Rica,and Search for Common Ground Jerusalem