Program areas at Overture International
Campus in Les Cayes (Education, Nutrition, Healthcare) The campus in Les Cayes offers opportunities for many vital programs and support to both children and their families with the ultimate goal of keeping the family unit together. During 2023: 100+ farmers earned income through OOIs Nutrition programs. 200,000 meals were packaged through Diri Lavi program - 22,000 meals were provided to kids in crisis care. 1,000+ students attended the campus school and employed 70+ teachers. The permenant Medical Clinic served 3,000+ community members. Community Domes on the campus provide emergency shelter, food storage, meeting spaces and other community services.
Housing, Community Development, and Disaster Response: Overture builds strong homes for families, purchasing from local vendors and creating local jobs. Southern Haiti was devasted by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake in August 2021 damaging or destroying more than 140k homes and leaving approx. 650k people in need of humanitarian assistance. By the end of 2023, construction was completed on 182 new homes since vulnerable communities - the earthquake; 488 individuals received skills training and work from projects; and 148 individuals were employed to support other OOI programs.
Empowerment Programs: Overtures social support model empowers Haitians of all ages at the individual, family and community levels toward independence and self-sufficiency. The model encourages community parternerships and supports locally-driven services that enable families to meet the basic needs of their children: education, nutrition, healthcare, empowerment programs and housing (housing is included below in community development). During 2023: 13 communities were served with child protection and family preservation training, 3008 children attended psychosocial activities, OOI, in partnership with Haitis child welfare agency, IBESR, began community education on the foster care system, assessed more than 50 volunteer families ready to receive children. As part of our advocacy that orphanages are NOT the answer, OOI released 2 booklets to education donors and other organizations serving in Haiti.