EIN 43-1085960

Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Assn (OOIDA)

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
NTEE code, primary
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association is the international trade association representing the interests of independent owner-operators and professional drivers on all issues that affect truckers.
Also known as...
Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at OOIDA

Lobbying/representation efforts - OOIDA maintains a Washington, DC office and employs government affairs representatives to work full-time in that office. These staff members, as well as various employees at the OOIDA headquarters, work with congressional representatives to ensure the interests of professional truckers are considered in legislative and regulatory forums on a federal and state level. The government affairs staff educates elected officials on all trucking matters.
Legal representation - OOIDA further represents the interests of the membership by filing lawsuits against various entities when the rights of truckers have been violated. For example, OOIDA has battled several motor carriers in court over violations of truth in leasing regulations. There is no federal agency to enforce the provisions of the truth in leasing regulations. As such, professional drivers must use the private right of action to enforce these provisions. Because such actions can be very costly for an individual, OOIDA has taken several of these cases on behalf of members. In addition, OOIDA has filed suit against various states and agencies for violations of civil rights and for discriminatory practices and taxes. OOIDA has been successful in recovering settlements for members who have been wronged.

Grants made by OOIDA

GranteeGrant descriptionAmount
Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association FoundationCare Packages for Us Troops$11,591

Personnel at OOIDA

Roderic NofzigerChief Operating Officer$0
Todd SpencerPresident
Michael MatousekDirector Government Affairs$118,644
Kimberly R BorronDirector$108,427
Leland WilkinsBoard Member$0
...and 5 more key personnel

Financials for OOIDA

RevenuesFYE 12/2022
Total grants, contributions, etc.$2,249,353
Program services$0
Investment income and dividends$4,546,430
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$215,489
Net rental income$451,141
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$0
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$28,079
Total revenues$7,490,492

Form 990s for OOIDA

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2022-122023-11-15990View PDF
2021-122022-11-15990View PDF
2020-122021-11-15990View PDF
2019-122022-01-11990OView PDF
2018-122019-10-31990View PDF
...and 9 more Form 990s
Data update history
October 3, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 3 new personnel
January 9, 2024
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2022
January 8, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 1 new personnel
July 17, 2023
Posted financials
Added Form 990 for fiscal year 2021
July 13, 2023
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
Nonprofit Types
Trade associationsBusiness and community development organizationsHeadquarter / parent organizations
Business and industry
MembershipsPolitical advocacyRelated 527
General information
1 NW Ooida Dr
Grain Valley, MO 64029
Metro area
Kansas City, MO-KS
Jackson County, MO
Website URL
(816) 229-5791
Facebook page
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
S41: Promotion of Business
NAICS code, primary
813910: Trade Associations
Parent/child status
Central organization
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