Program areas at Pace Partners of Northeast Florida
Pace Partners of Northeast Florida, Inc dba Pace place was approved by medicare, medicaid and the department of elder affairs to enroll its first participant on march 1, 2020. Opening its door to frail seniors was an idea that started over seven year earlier by community hospice and palliative care and aging true. Currently owned solely by community hospice and palliative care, Pace continues this mission. Pace (program for all-inclusive care to the elderly) is a nationally recognized model of care designed for people 55 or older who require nursing-home-level care but would rather receive it at home or in the community rather than in a nursing home. Our clinic and beautiful adult day health center are located at 5450 ramona boulevard, jacksonville, fl 32205. Pace place #1 priority is to assist elders in maintaining their independence and providing support to remain at home. The Pace team understands the demands of being a caregiver and helps with coordinating all care and services including transportation. Caregivers can relax knowing Pace place is looking out for their loved ones. Pace place all-inclusive fully capitated benefit package includes: primary care, hospital care, medical specialty services, prescription drugs (medicare part d drugs), nursing home services, nursing services, personal care services, emergency services, home care, physical therapy, occupation therapy, adult day health care, recreational therapy, meals, dental care, nutritional counseling, social services, laboratory/x-ray, social work counseling, end of life care and transportation.pace place provides all these services on a capitated monthly rate per participant that costs less than nursing home care and Pace's receives less per participant per month from medicaid as compared to medicaid long term managed care companies. Payment for Pace services can come from medicare, medicaid and private pay. Nationally, around one percent of all Pace funding comes from private pay and the split between dually eligible (medicare and medicaid) and medicaid only is 87% dual and 13% medicaid only. The reimbursement in Florida is higher for dually eligible participants. Pace place enrolled 64 new participants in 2023 ending with a total census of 127 participants. Currently our enrolled member's payer mix is made up of 16% medicaid only participants. This represents a lower reimbursement per participant per month while still providing all of the services. Often, new enrollees to Pace have not had consistent medical care for months or years before joining Pace. These new participants need a higher level of services and support in the early months up to and including an emergency room visit before the Pace team can improve their medical condition. Pace place provides all of the care needed for the same reimbursement amount regardless of utilization. Many of our participant's medical conditions stabilize and we can then maintain their care in the community. Sixty two (62%) of Pace place participants have been members for one year or longer allowing them to remain in their home thus improving their quality of life. Our service area has a large need for community-based services for frail seniors as confirmed by continually increasing enrollment. Many of our new enrollees are referred by current Pace participants. We have neighbors, friends and family members active in our program because of our current enrolled participants. Our community education and marketing efforts have been impacted by covid, however we continue to grow our enrollment and have anywhere between 30-40 referrals each month and currently have 38 participants pursuing enrollment. We continue to expand out provider network to better serve our participants as Pace place is committed to its mission of keeping our seniors at home.