Program areas at Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab
The Pacific Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology Lab (peace Lab) is a berkeley, california-based non-profit research institute founded in january 2004 to promote awareness of ecological interdependence through research, development, and education related to Ecoinformatics and Computational Ecology. Ecoinformatics refers to technologies and practices for gathering, analyzing, visualizing, storing, retrieving, and otherwise managing ecological knowledge and information. Please see schedule o for further details Computational Ecology refers to scientific research focused on the quantitative description and analysis of ecological systems using empirical data, mathematical and statistical models, and information technology. The Lab investigates the structure, function, and dynamics of complex networks of organisms interacting with each other and their environment. The study, conservation, and management of ecosystems demands an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach as well as the development of new information technology and Computational tools, all of which are hallmarks of our research. The peace Lab's mission is to conduct scientific research, spearhead informatics tool development, and generate, compile, and disseminate ecological information in partnership with researchers, universities, research institutes and centers, foundations, ngos, and governmental organizations. Our research activities are supported primarily by grants from the national science foundation, with additional institution, foundation, and corporate support noted within particular research projects. The online portal for the peace Lab is This website provides access to information on the people, publications, and projects associated with our research. Current Lab projects involve developing information technologies and research applications for analyzing, modeling, and visualizing ecological networks with a focus on food webs, or who eats whom among species in ecosystems. Come back frequently to see what's new.