Program areas at Pact
Achieve tanzania community health system strengtheningthis year, the achieve program in tanzania reached 360,306 orphans and vulnerable children (ovc) and their caregivers with comprehensive case management and hiv services to keep them safe, in school, healthy, and stable. Of the 244,033 children achieve served 44,038 c/alhiv in treatment sites in achieve's target councils. The project also provided technical support, coaching, and mentorship to kizazi hodari national prime implementing partners (npips) in the northeastern and southern zones, as well as to 13 national implementing partners (nips) implementing the achieve project in 78 councils. Finally, achieve took on system strengthening activities and (continued on schedule o) reviewed policies and guidelines, conducted capacity development for the government social welfare workforce, and ensured quality through supportive supervision visits to regions and lgas.
Engage ukraine projectduring fy23, Pact, in partnership with 248 local partners, implements the usaid-funded engage activity to support civil society in ukraine with the goal of increasing citizen awareness of and engagement in civic activities at the national, regional and local levels. Through flexible funding and technical assistance to its partner community service organizations as well as through direct activities, engage continues to make an impact, employing over 4,200 analytical and media materials to reach an expansive audience of over 51.1 million individuals. Responding to wartime needs, engage partners continue to provide essential aid to 615,000 citizens and (continued on schedule o) offering evacuations, medical assistance, and other necessities. In fy23, engage partners championed 20 policy changes at the local and national levels in areas anticorruption, transparency, eu integration, inclusion, social cohesion, and civic education and reached 155 million non-unique users. Engage partners conducted over 474 registration-based public events that were attended by over 11,942 participants. Of those who took part in events requiring registration in fy23, 8,193 were new and unique to engage's registry of participants. Additionally, through an array of open public events, both online and in person, engage partners directly engaged 103,187 ukrainians.
Ukraine public health systems recovery & resiliencein fy23, Pact, in partnership with core and technical partners, the public health system resilience and recovery (phs rr) activity developed a national-level communication campaign on covid and influenza, vaccinated 13,143 people of which, 7,623 for covid-19 and 5,520 were routine vaccinations via mobile vaccination teams, printed and distributed over 100,000 copies of informational guide and leaflets on covid-19 vaccination within its 8 focus regions to help strengthen the government of ukraine's (gou) capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to public health threats. The project held 24 capacity assessments and independent (continued on schedule o)quality assessments of regional centers for disease control and prevention, drafted 6 national level legal acts and 70 european union acts to support the harmonization of ukraine's healthcare and public health legislation aimed at sustaining critical public health services during a crisis. Phs rr trained 1,224 primary health care providers (634 doctors, 590 nurses), and reached 10,051,785 individuals with mental health messages via social media, tv, and printed materials in support of expanding mental health support to veterans and war-affected populations. Also, in fy23, phs rr provided individual and group mind-body medicine interventions in 90 sites and trained 134 psychological support services, developed a course manual on "working with war trauma", and provided 2,310 focused cognitive behavioral therapy to individuals.