Program areas at Parenting Now
Healthy families - healthy families program is a statewide program that provides home visits to first time mothers who have certain risk factors that put their infants at-risk for child abuse. Through a contract with lane county, we serve eligible families in lane county. Our family support workers provide Parenting education and support, model appropriate interactions, perform developmental screenings, provide referrals to resources, and help parents identify and meet goals. We are certified by healthy families america. The healthy families program provided home visiting services to 168 families for a total of 504 parents and children and assisted additional families with screening, resources, and referrals during the 2022-2023 program year.
Curricula sales and training - through our Parenting Now division, we extend our mission and share our expertise with other organizations that work with families through the sales of our nationally recognized Parenting education curricula and parent educator trainings. Over 150 sites in Oregon, and 850 sites nationwide and in 18 other countries have purchased our curricula since 1997.
The make Parenting a pleasure suite of programs is a group based Parenting education and support program designed for highly stressed parents who have children aged 0-8. Meeting for 12 2-hour sessions, parents learn how to manage stress, improve communication, learn positive discipline strategies and how to access resources. The suite of programs includes crecer, for families whose primary language is spanish. Professional Parenting Now Parenting educators facilitate these groups, each tailored for the families they serve. The make Parenting a pleasure programs served 66 families for a total of 264 parents and children during the 2022-2023 program year.
Parenting: the first three years - is a group based Parenting education and support program for new families. It focuses on the developmental stages of the children, and issues related to development faced each year by parents. A professional parent educator meets with groups of families who have children of similar age and needs. The first three years program served 117 families for a total of 352 parents and children during the 2022-2023 program year. Car safety seat program - Parenting Now provides services by a certified child passenger safety technician. The technician reviews child safety seats for correct installation before birth and when a family gets new child car seats. Services are provided at no cost to the families and car seats are provided for families as needed.