Program areas at Parents for Public Schools
Educate and inform:parents for Public Schools (pps) seeks to improve Public education for all children by providing information and training for Parents and other education stakeholders. Specific program services include the three curricula that make up the pps parent engagement program (pep). Pep-parent leadership helps Parents understand accountability,curriculum standards, and other education issues that impact the education outcome of students in Mississippi. Pep also helps Parents develop the skills needed to be an effective education partner. The long-term outcome of the program is that Parents agree to work at reducing barriers to learning in their home, community and school.pep-graduation ready is a dual generation program designed for middle school students and their parents/caregivers. In addition to including much of the information from pep-parent leadership, graduation ready focuses on graduation requirements and the various paths to graduation. This training seeks to improve attendance and graduation rates, and to help students make a smoother transition to post-secondary life. The pep-early childhood development curriculum enhances parent/caregiver understanding of their role in brain development and the effect of whathappens in the earliest years of child development on kindergartenreadiness and later academic success.
Organize for advocacy:pps also focuses on education advocacy and works to provide pps constituents with information to assist in holding elected officials accountable for decisions that affect Public education and to assess Public education support by candidates for Public office. Pps has developed the civic academy, a workshop that focuses on the value of fully funding Public Schools, providing information that citizens need to inform their choices at the ballot box.
National capacity building & network support:although each chapter has its own identity and the ability to respond to local challenges, a chapter's work is supported by the national organization with professional expertise and collaborative power.chapters benefit from working with a network of other Parents across the united states and are able to avoid "reinventing the wheel". Pps, Inc. conducts chapter training using curricula designed to enhance current and future success in all chapters, conducts regional andnational leadership conferences to provide technical assistance,strategies, and support to chapters, works to plant new chapters with a focus on school districts enrolling larger minority and disenfranchised populations, and provides capacity building support to chapters to address self-identified areas of weakness. Working with school administrators and teachers, pps Parents strive to reduce barriers to learning and bring the community into the process of strengthening Schools.