Program areas at Park Cedar Rapids
Provision of Parking facilities and system upgrades:the system provides space to about 3,900 Downtown employees and approximately 280,000 estimated visitor/event patrons. In addition, the system operates approximately 4,000 on street spaces with an estimated 322,000 annual on street transactions. Parking transactions annually are estimated to be 550,000 transactions. Dpmi continues to strive in creating a welcoming, safe environment through 24/7 security efforts and amenities. The amenities services program accommodates Parking patrons, should an unexpected situation occur, offering instant access to a range of services from courtesy jump starts, tire fill, to security assistance. Capital projects completed include elevator upgrades, roof replacements, deck sealing, security, lighting, skywalk and entrance gate upgrades.
Education and communication with Parking system users:in order to improve public perception of Parking in Downtown Cedar Rapids and to leverage Parking as a significant tool and catalyst for economic development, dpmi has initiated significant outreach strategies. "Park Cedar Rapids" campaign was launched in october 2011 to inform the general public and Downtown stakeholders of a new and enhanced Parking system - one focused on superior customer service, improved security and positive experience. Communication mechanisms ranged from creating a new interactive website, partnering with the media, hosting q&a community outreach events, and implementing an ambassador program to assist the general public and stakeholders with the use of the new Parking technologies.
Provision of Parking services to facilitate job growth and economic development:to aid in fostering, supporting and encouraging growth and development of jobs, and the development of new business and industry, dpmi has developed a suite of Parking incentive and subsidy programs to spur investment in the greater Downtown area. The programs enable businesses, employers and employees the opportunity to receive discounts off of monthly Parking rates and have helped catalyze more than 650 jobs annually. To date 13 existing companies were offered Parking incentives and/or Parking subsidy solutions. Retention and expansion of existing jobs and business consumes approximately 33 percent of dpmi's time.