Program areas at Park County Environmental Council
Thriving CommunitiesWe work with residents to implement proactive community and land use planning policies, so people and wildlife have a safe, healthful home and the opportunity to thrive in a changing climate. Through education, outreach, and grassroots efforts, we bolster civic engagement and garner support for local initiatives that mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and enhance community resilience. Engaging decision-makers at all levels, our work has shaped progressive growth policies in Livingston and Park County, leading to comprehensive plans including the Downtown Master Plan, Housing Action Plan, and Trails and Active Transportation Plans. These efforts prioritize smart growth principles, climate resilience, downtown revitalization, and eco-friendly infrastructure.
Conservation LeadershipFundamental to our theory of change, PCEC aims to build a local environmental movement that is equitable, inclusive and diverse. PCEC supports leaders and elevates the voices of underrepresented people that are often the most impacted by environmental threats. We work with all people to share knowledge, access, and tools to participate in local decision-making and advocacy. Our programs cultivate new leaders via internships, AmeriCorps, and volunteer opportunities, many now serving on local boards or in elected positions. Initiatives like Yellowstone Safe Passages, Livingston Loves Trees and Wild Livelihoods emerged from this engagement. We prioritize funding for programs like the Crazy Mountain Oral History Project that center Indigenous presence and history in our region.
Healthy LandscapesWe protect, restore and connect wild lands, water and wildlife in this one-of-a-kind natural and cultural landscape for future generations. Our efforts have preserved 30,000 acres from mining and prevented 17,300 acres from oil and gas leasing near Livingston and the Absaroka Beartooth Wilderness. We've advocated for wildlife protection, including limiting Yellowstone wolf hunts and promoting bear-proofing in Park County and Livingston. Engaging thousands, we support the conservation of grizzlies, bison, wolves, bees and more.