Program areas at Parkridge Pregnancy Center
Medical Clinic Program: Parkridge nurses provided medical care to clients visiting our clinic including pregnancy tests, ultrasound services and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases. Additional medical services included pregnancy confirmations, physician referrals, due date confirmations, and assistance in applying for medicaid. The clinic staff educated our clients regarding fetal development and personal care during pregnancy. Volunteer medical physicians provided oersight of all medical services, reviewed and confirmed client's charts, and addressed specific pregnancy concerns.
Community Awareness: Parkridge's public awareness program educated our community and local churches through an anuual fund-raising event and community speaking opportunities throughout the year that included health fairs, classroom presentations, and ministry tours. Parkridge also assisted a campus student group at a major university in the community. Through these opportunities for community engagement, parkridge educated the public about our organization and our services wich are all offered free of charge to women and men of all ages facing life decisions surrounding an unplanned pregnancy.Our community program, choices 360, is a program designed for student education. Parkridge presented choices 360 in several middle schools.
Educational Program: Parkridge educated women and their partners on pregnancy, fetal development, and sexually transmitted disease and infection with the purpose of empowering them to make informed, healthy decisions through various support services. Parkridge provided one-on-one educational mentoring, pregnancy and parenting education calsses, and abortion recovery assistance. Other support included professional counseling, lay counseling, and emotional and spiritual support