Program areas at Parsemus Foundation
Womens healththe foundations main effort in 2023 was preparing for the launch of a new program on womens hormonal health. The scope of the project was expanded from menopause health to womens hormonal health across the lifespan. The new project is called hormonally.under the leadership of a new program director, research on the scope of the program was completed and the new mission set.the research, design, and content-creation for the full website was completed. The launch of the website is expected in january, gather data and make contacts, the director attended womens health conferences,including the swell menopause conference, the european congress on menopause, the womens health conference, and the european menopause and andropause meeting.fee-for-service funding concepts were evaluated. A dedicated webpage on menopause was created for the Parsemus Foundation website, including associated infographics and posts.
Animal welfare and alternative sterilization methodsparsemus Foundation has supported research and advocacy on alternatives to traditional sterilization methods, providing extensive information on our website for pet owners. The Foundation also offers information on enhanced animal welfare standards, treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia, and hormone restoration therapy in dogs.the Foundation serves as a primary resource for information on hormone-sparing sterilization options for dogs, including management of a directory of veterinarians who offer alternative sterilization procedures for pets.we created a new explainer video about the use of pulsed electromagnetic therapy for benign prostatic hyperplasia in dogs.a new research study on testosterone hormone restoration was launched in 2023 with expected results in the past year, the Parsemus Foundation has provided general support for amici cannis and the alliance for contraception in cats and dogs.we distributed educationa
Infectious disease research and advocacyparsemus Foundation continued to support the dissemination of the covid-out clinical trial results, which reported the benefits of metformin to treat covid-19 symptoms and long covid. The Parsemus Foundation supported media management for the announcement of the results of the covid-out clinical trial for long covid. Press release and social media were completed in coordination with the university of minnesotas communications department.we created new infographics and website/social media materials related to the findings about metformin for covid-19 and long covid.a publication award was provided to dr. carolyn bramante for the covid-out clinical trial results publication.the Foundation supported the optimmunize conference, which brought together researchers working on the non-specific effects of vaccines.a new webpage on vaccine non-specific effects was launched.
Program service fees.
Refund of expense.
Revolution contraceptives llc is a subsidiary of Parsemus Foundation with a social mission to develop a long-acting contraceptive and make it widely available and affordable to those at all income levels in both high-income and middle-income countries. The company's first product currently under development is vasalgel, a minimally invasive and reversible form of male contraception.vasalgel technology has been licensed to a third party for further development.