Program areas at Partners in Careers
Community jobs - provides transitional, community-based job experiences, related support services, and training to temporary assistance for needy families (tanf) recipients encountering problems getting into the permanent job market. This program also includes the job connection and career development programs for workfirst clients. There were 106 new participants this year.
Vet transition in place (tip) - tip housing first model focuses on moving veterans from temporary housing to permanent housing. The program provides homeless veterans in clark county, Washington with stable housing and client-centered case management support that includes employment focused job training, mentoring, counseling, and other supportive services. The overall strategy is to provide a client-centered "housing first focused" approach to ensure homeless veterans receive the wraparound services they need in order to successfully move to and remain in permanent housing. There were 24 new participants this year.
Treasury rent assistance program (trap) and treasury emergency rent assistance (tera) - provides rent assistance to individuals including ethnic and racial minorities, immigrants and refugees, individuals who identify as lgbtq+, and individuals with disabilities or who are deaf or hard of hearing, who have experienced financial hardship due to covid-19. There were 35 new participants this year.
Other program services include employment services to seniors, individuals with barriers to employment, disabilities, visually impaired, and homeless.