Program areas at PFS
Partners in Food Solutions (pfs) works to strengthen the african Food processing sector by identifying high-potential, african-led Food businesses and providing them with free-of-cost consulting services powered by employee volunteers from our consortium of seven world-class Food companies -- general mills, cargill, dsm-firmenich, bhler, the hershey company, ardent mills, and the j.m. Smucker company. These employees work virtually and directly with the african companies to help solve specific technical and business challenges. Pfs employs skilled african field staff who partner with impact investors and other local ecosystem organizations in order to further assist african Food companies by helping them tap into the larger Food processing environment, both regionally and internationally. Pfs operates a series of additional services to surround our primary technical training and consulting offering. An apprenticeship program helps place and support young african Food experts at their first industry job. A certification program helps client companies succeed in achieving internationally recognized certifications, leading to better Food safety and export capabilities. A finance program helps companies attract outside investment, and occasionally underwrites small ticket loans in order to implement projects recommended by volunteer experts.pfs helps improve Food security, nutrition, and economic development in africa. Our corporate Partners have provided access to their world-class facilities and empowered more than 2,800 of their skilled employees to work on more than 2,000 services with local african Food companies. These volunteers have contributed 158,767 consulting hours. Our programs have helped strengthen the capacity of over 2,200 Food companies in ethiopia, kenya, tanzania, uganda, rwanda, malawi, zambia, ghana, nigeria, and cote d'ivoire, impacting 1.8 millionlocal smallholder farmers. in our most recent year, a sample of our client Food companies in africa reported average revenue growth of 20%, a 9% increase in new full time employees, and a 46% increase in the number of farmers supported within their supply chains. Visit for more information about Partners in Food Solutions.