Program areas at Partners in Hope - Texas
Direct client support: using a relational ministry approach, we make connections with isolated and often-hopeless neighbors in need. Walking with them for at least one year, we build relationships with the goal of moving them into community, thus reducing the negative effects of social isolation. Relationship-building is the primary goal of our collaborative efforts, and we provide multiple opportunities for connection every month such as: regular home visits and phone calls; community workdays (home-repair projects and yard maintenance); meal deliveries; monthly fellowship gatherings; and special holiday events and deliveries. We also try to connect clients with specific services that might be of value to them such as counseling, job resources, financial assistance, technology, and healthcare.
Living condition assistance: our entry point to working with isolated neighbors is often by first addressing urgent living condition needs. This includes minor repairs, clean up, yard work, maintenance, and replacing broken items. Our community workdays, open to individuals and families of all ages, are a great way for volunteers to get to know these neighbors. We also facilitate private serving events for companies and small groups and match volunteers who can help with a specific need to individuals. Living condition assistance might also include non-home items such as car repair or durable medical equipment.
Volunteer training and engagement: Partners in Hope has a specialized training program to help volunteers understand how to best walk with our socially isolated neighbors. We also have training events that volunteers can participate in to further their skills of relational ministry. Working together, our network of compassionate christian servants is committed to connecting these isolated neighbors with the targeted resources they need, helping them plug in to their communities, and paving the way for them to become part of a local church family. This unusual partnership approach has been extremely effective at reducing the devastating effects of social isolation and transforming lives in a powerful way. Staff encourage volunteers and track volunteer engagement with measurable participation data.