Program areas at Partners of the Americas
Through the child protection unit (cpu) Partners works to eradicate child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, promote acceptable conditions of work and provide sustainable and inclusive quality education in areas impacted by migration. Cpu is comprised of ten projects in total. Seven projects are funded by the united states department of labor (usdol): colombia avanza, implementing a culture of labor compliance in costa rica's agricultural exporting sector, palma futuro, attaining lasting change (atlas), the mexico awareness raising project, advancing labor compliance in colombia's port sector and improving substantive gender equality in the mexican workplace. Two projects are funded by the united states department of state (dos): nande ko' in paraguay, from the office to monitor and combat trafficking in persons (tip) and mexico united 2026 from the bureau of democracy, human rights, and labor (drl). the cpu also implements the u.s. agency for international development (usaid) juntos aprendemos project that aims to increase the capacity of the colombian education system to provide sustainable and inclusive quality education in areas impacted by migration in colombia. the multi-year budget for these ten projects combined is $71.5 million.
Education & global citizenship (egc) activities: Partners brings tested methodologies, experienced staff, lessons learned, creative and proactive strategies to the areas of education and global citizenship focused on higher education, youth leadership, and exchanges. In 2022, Partners implemented five programs under the education and global citizenship unit in partnership with the u.s. government, private sector, foundations and other ngos throughout the Americas: the u.s. exchange alumni network & capacity building program; 100,000 strong in the Americas innovation fund; education and culture program; buenos aires youth leaders and meta engineer for the week. Together, these programs engaged professionals, youth, volunteers, change makers and higher education institutions throughout the western hemisphere to build lasting partnerships, expand the community service and change lives and communities in the western hemisphere. Accomplishments: the u.s. exchange alumni program funded 40 programs globally. the 100,000 strong in the Americas innovation fund impacted 574 higher education institutions and awarded 17 grants. In 2022 Partners launched the "100,000 clima" to focus on climate change and inclusive education. the buenos aires youth leaders engaged 26 youth in leadership training, international exchange and project management. the meta engineer for the week had the collaboration of 239 facilitators and instructors that impacted 1,051 learners for a free stem program for youth. Our approach is to allow the participants of our programs to learn, develop and share best practices, design community solutions, connect and build partnerships to solve local and global challenges.
Economic development & health (edh): Partners of the Americas develops innovative, market-driven solutions and fosters productive partnerships to create sustainable change. Partners of the Americas stimulates economic development by building local capacity, catalyzing innovation, and creating broader access to resources. Partners has implemented economic development programs for more than 30 years in over 30 countries in latin america, the caribbean, africa, and asia. Over this time, Partners of the Americas has trained over 235,000 beneficiaries and increased the productivity and economic returns for over 4,200 small businesses, local organizations, and entrepreneurs. Since 2012, Partners of the Americas has also worked to improve maternal and child nutrition through improved breastfeeding practices and increased consumption of fortified foods.