Program areas at Partners of the Americas
Agriculture and food security unit: Partners develops innovative, market-driven solutions and fosters productive partnerships to create sustainable change. Partners stimulates economic development by building local capacity, catalyzing innovation, and creating broader access to resources. Partners has implemented economic development programs for more than 30 years in over 30 countries in latin america, the caribbean, africa, and asia. Over time, Partners has empowered stakeholders and beneficiaries to increase productivity, competitiveness, and local capacity. Since 2012, Partners has also worked to increase physical availability of and economic access to nutritious food through consumption of fortified foods, and raise awareness regarding basic nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene.
Education unit: Partners is dedicated to advancing education by empowering individuals to cultivate the knowledge, skills, and values essential for effective global engagement. Our initiatives span across the educational spectrum, encompassing preschool through secondary education with a wealth of experience in remedial education, learning recovery, and accelerated learning, including within migrant communities. In parallel, we have successfully collaborated with donors and the private sector in workforce development endeavors, enabling young individuals to hone their skills and secure employment opportunities. Our expertise extends to exchange programs, facilitated through partnerships with more than 2,500 higher education institutions and community-based organizations. Through these alliances, we provide not only connections but also vital financial support mechanisms, enabling meaningful international experiences that foster sustainable community-based initiatives, personal and professional growth, and increased cultural awareness across the western hemisphere. the education unit (eu) is comprised of three programs: the five-year, $35 million usd, juntos aprendemos (together we learn) project in colombia funded by the united states agency for international development (usaid), the 100,000 strong in the Americas innovation fund funded by the united states department of state (dos), and the education and culture program, also funded by dos.
Labor unit: Partners works to eradicate child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, while promoting acceptable conditions of work and international labor standards. the labor unit is also currently implementing a project to carry out innovative messaging activities trageting potential migrant populations in mexico to deter them from irregular migration. the labor unit is comprised of seven projects in total. Four projects are funded by the united states department of labor (usdol): palma futuro, the mexico awareness raising project, advancing labor compliance in colombia's port sector and improving substantive gender equality in the mexican workplace. Three projects are funded by the united states department of state (dos): ande ko' in paraguay, from the office to monitor and combat trafficking in persons (tip), mexico united 2026 from the bureau of democracy, human rights, and labor (drl) and the mexico migration messaging project from the u.s. embassy in mexico city.