Program areas at PASE
Leadership development:pase's leadership development programs provide afterschool professionals with The tools they need to succeed in their current roles while honing their strengths and developing new skills to take on more advanced leadership roles in The future. Through a variety of programs, pase strives to support both emerging and established leaders all along The continuum of their careers. Pase's leadership development programs for The 2023 fiscal year included: The pase/landit women's leadership program which provided 27 female-identifying afterschool educators with access to landit, an online professional development platform, and a series of in-person expert sessions and networking opportunities to support their personal and professional development; and a fund development institute, a cohort program for 12 cbos dealing with The ever-changing funding climate and The ongoing impact of covid-19 to develop strong and diversified funding strategies, to collaborate with internal stakeholders, and to create a culture of philanthropy at their organizations. Stem: through our stem initiative, pase helps to make stem topics more accessible to The afterschool field, providing stem-related professional development opportunities for afterschool practitioners on how to effectively promote and utilize stem in their programs. Pase's efforts through this initiative utilize an inquiry-based learning model, infusing youth development principles into stem programming in order to support high-quality, content-rich, and effective afterschool programs. Pase continues to build The capacity of The afterschool field to infuse stem in afterschool by explicitly focusing on supporting stem identities, fostering exposure to stem careers, and promoting best and promising practices, through workshops and resource fairs.
College prep & success: with a 5th through 12th grade perspective, pase prepares community-based organizations (cbos) to offer high- quality college prep and success programming, provides resources to aid in The development and sustainability of their programs, connects cbos with institutions of higher Education, and facilitates broad dialogue about how best to prepare young people for and guide them through successful college experiences, including transferring colleges. Charting The path to college transfer: The role of cbos to extend this timeframe to college enrollment and beyond. This investment included a peer learning community for 12 cbos and 28 staff to collaboratively select discussion topics, share expertise, and identify areas of need for The field related to advisement and support of students seeking college transfer. Additionally, this peer learning community and an advisory board identified key topics and workshops for The field to build awareness and understanding of emerging best practices as they relate to transfer advisement. Pase also continues to build awareness around college access and success through strategic discussions and elevates The importance of a robust Partnership between cbos and institutions of higher Education via an annual college/cbo forum and fair, which served 140 participants. Pase also continues to present at regional and national conferences and to host workshops on financial literacy and developing a robust cbo profile for organizations supporting students' college applications.
Summer learning:pase works with community organizations to ensure that new york city's young people have access to summer programs that support them academically, promote literacy, build interest in learning, and teach essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, and creativity. Through The summer teaching fellows program, pase recruits, trains, supervises, and pays stipends to a cohort of college students who provide academic support and enrichment to programs in underserved neighborhoods in new york city. The fellows received practical learning experiences in Education and The afterschool field, helping them to explore and cultivate their passion to teach or work with children. In The spring and summer of 2023, pase worked with 15 fellows who were placed at 14 in-person summer programs. Our summer teaching fellows have now joined an alumni group of over 300 summer teaching fellows. Pase also directed The charles hayden foundation summer grant program, providing pass through grants and capacity building training to 11 small agencies delivering summer programming, and served as a catalyst for new programmatic directions, engaging new participants, and fostering new collaborations.
Principles and practices in youth development: providing high-quality, interactive, practically oriented professional development is central to pase's mission. Pase offers professional development workshops open to The afterschool field; individualized technical assistance to agencies; forums to convene diverse groups of stakeholders; strategic discussions to develop consensus on emerging needs and trends; citywide conferences; and The creation and publication of resource materials. Pase also holds symposia, focus groups, and strategic discussions on emerging topics in youth development including "(re)imagining a recovery agenda: leveraging The science of learning for youth success" to help elevate The need for a recovery agenda that expands beyond The current response to learning loss and more fully encompasses an equitable recovery process that centers The comprehensive needs of youth and youth success.pase's breadth of programs continue to strengthen our community of over 1,600 afterschool agencies to be more effective and efficient while also inspiring innovation and improving The quality of programs for over 500,000 kids and teens in new york city in The last year alone. Global learning:pase's global learning initiative strengthens The ability of The afterschool community to support global learning with youth, helping them develop The necessary skills and knowledge to access global opportunities, to participate in a global economy, and to become responsible global citizens. Youth outcomes: pase understands The critical importance of building afterschool agencies' capacity to select, measure, and communicate youth outcomes that are appropriate both to The youth they serve and The services they provide. Pase has set The expectation of high-quality programming throughout The field, and as such, youth outcomes are used as a lens through which pase provides all our work. Pase continues to provide support to youth agencies in understanding, measuring, and communicating their impact on The youth they serve, with special attention paid to The nuances of capturing and communicating impact during virtual programming.