Program areas at Partnership for Children & Youth
Expanded Learning:Our expanded learning work was focused on making sure that school districts and community-based organizations have the skills and knowledge to implement high-quality programming, through building capacity in the field, documenting best practices for implementation, and piloting new ways to address a key challenge: staffing. We presented to over 900 people across the state and nation, bringing research, resources, and new ideas to education leaders, policymakers, expanded learning staff, school district administrators, and more, and we produced a series of summer planning webinars for nearly 300 registrants.See Schedule O for more details.
Organizational Development:Our organizational development work in FY 23 centered around the leadership transition from our outgoing founder and CEO to our two co-CEOs. This new co-leadership model reflects our values of collaboration, equity, authenticity, and learning, and has enabled us to integrate our policy and practice work to respond to the unique needs of the expanded learning field and meet this moment. We have held monthly in-person full day staff sessions and a multi-day retreat to deepen organizational culture and relationships, focus on how equity is approached and embodied within the organization, and develop annual goals and budget.See Schedule O for more details.
Policy and Advocacy:Our policy and advocacy has been focused on making sure that the historic $4 billion investment of state funding in expanded learning programs is maintained. We hosted a site visit to give state leaders a first-hand view into how programs are using ELO-P funds to make a difference for students. We conducted policy research on how to improve ELO-P which included better data collection and increased resources for middle and high school students. This provided support to legislation (AB 1113) that would increase quality and access to expanded learning programs for middle and high school youth and collect statewide data on students served by these programs, which garnered unanimous support in the legislature.See Schedule O for more details.