Program areas at Pathstone Corporation
ADULT EDUCATION, TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT: Provide quality job training and employment services leading to gainful employment at livable wages for individuals who are underemployed or unemployed. The services offered are: skills assessment, job training, career exploration, placement and retention support. Those served include: farmworkers, seniors, formerly incarcerated/returning citizens, TANF recipients, residents of targeted communities, and other low-wage workers. 3,665 people were enrolled in services and 759 more were placed in jobs. Services are available in: Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Vermont, and Virginia.Continued on Schedule OThis program is supported by government grants and contributions of $12,507,482.
SUPPORTIVE HOUSING & RENTAL ASSISTANCE SERVICES: Provide supportive services for residents living in PathStone Corporation rental communities consisting of: social, educational and recreational enrichment programs, information and referrals for crisis support, and access to health, nutrition, mental health and other community-based services to tenants. 1,248 residents received supportive housing services throughout the PathStone rental property portfolio.Continued on Schedule OProvide apartment rental assistance through Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program to 6,039 low-income families and seniors living in six New York State counties. Staff members regularly refer participants to community resources. Eligible participants can participate in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program which provides individualized coaching and support designed to result in meaningful self-supporting employment.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $6,432,895
CHILD & FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: Provides comprehensive services to pregnant mothers and children ages birth to school age to increase social, emotional and educational skills through activities designed to promote the overall well-being of the child and family. The services offered are: full day preparation for school readiness, education and family literacy activities to parents, nutritious meals to children and referrals to community resources. 955 individuals were served in Head Start Programs: Migrant & Seasonal Head Start, Head Start, Early Head Start and State Funded Programs: Head Start State Supplemental, Pre-K Counts, and Infant Toddler Contracted Slots programs. Services are available in: New Jersey and Pennsylvania.Continued on Schedule OThis program is supported by government grants and contributions of $8,649,627.
YOUTH EDUCATION, TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT: Enable youth to recognize educational and career opportunities as they pursue lifelong goals. The services offered are: workshops in confidence building, communication, and leadership skills, job training, high school equivalency diploma (GED), tutoring, mentoring, drop-out prevention, and family centered intervention. Those served include: youth and young adults. 365 youth were placed in jobs and post-secondary education/training and 451 youth trained with 192 credentials. Services are available in: Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico and Vermont.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $4,849,837.
HEALTH & SAFETY: Provide occupational and personal health and safety education and also substance abuse prevention counseling and services. The services offered are: peer-delivered HIV prevention education for at-risk populations, HIV counseling and testing, assistance in accessing quality health care services, occupational health and safety training for farmworkers, alcohol, drug, and tobacco avoidance programs for youth, and rent/utility assistance for those affected/infected by HIV/AIDS. 231 participants received HIV prevention education and 50 infected/affected households received rental assistance. There have also been 4,678 farmworkers and members of agricultural communities who received training on pesticide safety, hearing loss prevention, and heat stress/back injury avoidance. Services are available in: Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico and Vermont.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $2,574,966.
EMERGENCY & SUPPORTIVE SERVICES: Provide essential food and shelter services to farmworkers and low-income families in crisis to stabilize participant households and enable them to regain traction toward achieving personal and program goals. The services offered are: emergency food and lodging for farmworkers and other families in need. 5,805 farmworker and low-income households received Emergency and Supportive Services. Services are available in: Indiana, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, and Vermont.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $1,204,404.
REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT: PathStone and its affiliates work with community partners, non?profits, private developers and government officials to design and build housing that is affordable, accessible and seamlessly integrated into the community in which it is built. The services offered are: development and acquisition of affordable rental housing for families, farmworkers, seniors, and special needs populations while also offering affordable single-family for sale home construction. 205 affordable housing units have been developed, $43,911,530 has been invested in affordable housing developments and 1,003 manufactured homes have been preserved through resident ownership since the program's inception. Services are provided by PathStone and its affiliates and are available in: Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania, and Puerto Rico.Future projects include the preservation of over 325 units of our existing portfolio in New York, the adaptive re-use of a historic building, and a mixed-use new construction development associated with the City of Rochester's Inner Loop East transformation. Single family for sale redevelopment continues in Indiana with three homes completed. Our present developments include the new construction of a senior development which will be PathStone's first Passive House and Net-Zero development, as well as a workforce housing LEED Gold and Zero development located adjacent to the Amazon Roc 1 fulfillment center. Two homes are under contract in Indiana for redevelopment. In Puerto Rico, the Carolinas redevelopment will provide 168 units of mixed income housing in collaboration with the local Public Housing Authority and Department of Housing. We are committed to provide housing to meet the needs of the communities we work in.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $497,199.
HOUSING COUNSELING: Provide housing counseling services from certified housing counselors that includes pre and post home purchase education and counseling, mortgage delinquency and default resolution counseling, and reverse mortgage, fair housing, rental, and homeless counseling. Housing Counselors are trained and certified to provide tools to current and prospective homeowners and renters so they can make responsible choices to address their housing needs in light of their financial situation. 316 homes were preserved through foreclosure prevention counseling, 699 new homeowners were created and there were 6,014 housing counseling customers. Services are available in: Indiana, New York, Pennsylvania, and Puerto Rico.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $1,877,987.
Housing Rehab and Energy Services: Create and preserve assets through coordinated home rehabilitation, energy services, and community based revitalization programs. We are committed to promoting self-sufficiency and economic stability through safe, sustainable, energy efficient housing and also specialize in providing resources, access to appropriate financing, and advocacy to support homeowners. The services offered are: free and low cost home repair, energy conservation upgrades, lead-based paint remediation, and access upgrades for seniors and persons with disabilities. 224 housing units were repaired or weatherized. Services are available in: Indiana and New York.This program is supported by government grants and contributions of $3,108,496.