Program areas at PCI Media Impact
Wfp somalia's initiative:wfp somalia's initiative is aimed at preventing child malnutrition within the first 1,000 days after birth, referred to as the cash for prevention pilot. At the center of this response is a cash transfer initiative that will get malnutrition-preventative resources to communities who are at highest risk. Pci media works with wfp somalia to provide social behavior change communications (sbcc) that help maximize the effectiveness of the cash transfer initiative and build strong linkages to other health and nutrition services. Pci created sbcc products that educate households on essential nutrition principles, inspiring them to make informed choices to combat malnutrition and improve health.
United nations environment programme c4d services:unep's programme division in the new york headquarters established long term arrangements for services (ltas) with companies with proven credentials in the area of communication for development (c4d) and strategic media and communications. The ltas enabled unep global, regional and country offices to solicit high quality and timely c4d technical services directly and through a more streamlined contracting process, around specific areas of collaboration based on pre-defined project terms and on negotiated, fixed rates or cost calculation methodology. C4d is strategically positioned to play a central role in unep's development and humanitarian work by addressing such behavioral and social dynamics through integrated and cross sectoral programming built on evidence-based c4d strategies to deliver at scale throughinterpersonal, community, mass-media, and digital part of the ltas, unep requires specific tactical production services based on pre-approved and internally driven concepts and needs. This would be particularly pertinent to content creation, adaptation, curation and editing services as well as post-production needs. These services require nimbler and more efficient teams of specialists in the field of traditional and new media content production to tell powerful stories in various forms and lengths; spanning from traditional film to virtual reality, short-form tactical social media content to longer-form series and documentary. It may also require production and adaptation of animated or still graphic content.deliverables of this work include:a) production of social media platform specific multimedia contentb) production of multimedia materials highlighting humanitarian and emergency contexts for broadcasters with associated press style shortlists and transcriptionsc) production of signature multimedia materials to highlight unep campaigns targeted to specific audiences on digital platformsd) innovative content production and outside the box thinking for production of multimedia materials to support unep communication priorities with digital audiences online and in traditional media outlets activities to meet program objectives include:- creation and conceptualization from concept to delivery of, social/digital and traditional media video and photo assets as appropriate to specific platforms, audiences and outlets.
Access without barriers:according to a 2019 report by the united nations department of socialand economic affairs, young people and adults with disabilities are at equal or greater risk of unwanted pregnancies, sexual violence, and sexually transmitted infections. These increased risks are due to several barriers that prevent people with disabilities from accessing sexual and reproductive health information and services. Barriers include lack of knowledge from service providers communicating with disabled people, a misconception that people with disabilities are asexual, and additional barriers that will be addressed in this new initiative. Access without barriers is a three-year program funded by flanders development cooperation, working closely with the government of mozambique at central and provincial levels, tv surdo (tv for the deaf), and the international centre for reproductive health (icrh), radio mozambique and various community radio stations. The program aims to produce a wide range of inclusive communication materials for adolescents, health professionals and general audiences in the provinces of tete and maputo.along with the communications elements, the program will also help upgrade and renovate health centers in the two provinces, through the long experience of our partner icrh. Since the start of the program in early 2020, pci media has completed initial research and training, production of radio shows and videos, creation of social media posts, and performed plays over the radio to engage adolescents with and without disabilities on sexual and reproductive health. In addition, we have developed inter-personal communication guides for the media, service providers, and other stakeholders about how to better communicate with adolescents, especially those with disabilities.major objectives include:- increase adolescents' demand for sexual and reproductive health services- improve knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors around family planning- foster trust and connection between adolescents and service providers- provide interpersonal communications materials and training for health professionals- train radio and tv producers in production techniques for adolescents with disabilities.
Catholic relief services since april 2020, catholic relief services (crs) has partnered with pci media on designing, producing and implementing a radio-based awareness campaign to encourage the implementation of ongoing agricultural as a production practices in central america. The crs regional communications and asa (agua y suelo para la agricultura water and soil for agriculture) teams has been working in close collaboration with the crs country program teams from nicaragua, el salvador, honduras and guatemala and the pci media team to ensure that the messages, materials and radiobroadcast strategy are relevant to the local context in each of the four countries of intervention.a robust, multi-platform social behavior change communications campaign is critical to encourage the adoption of asa practices at scale in central america. Using radio, social media, press placements, and whatsapp groups will allow the asa team to reach a large volume of farmers and government actors while working in a remote environment as a result of the covid-19 pandemic. In a pandemic like the current one, food security is also a major concern. Guaranteeing good yields is key to preventing a possible reduction in the food supply due to: a reduction in the area under cultivation, an increase in the price and/or shortage of inputs, a reduction in imports due to limited movement, and restrictions on the movement of the population, among others. Asa practices, which have proven effective in production, are now more critical than ever to putting food on the table. Techniques like soil fertility management (4r), cover crop management, sowing densities, and the use of green manures can help producers to protect themselves and their families from food insecurity. Pci media continues to work with crs in order to continue to build and deliver social behavior change communications and produce high quality radio content. - pci trained the crs teams to plan their annual campaign. This included planning sessions for each country and one for the regional team. This included coaching on the selection of additional community radio stations based on geographic coverage, popularity with the audience groups, and technical and human capacities to support the campaign, as well as identifying the asa promoters that will be actively participating in the programs.2. Coaching and mentoring crs teams throughout the broadcasting periods - pci media provides strategic advice and coaching to crs in-country teams, radio stations and asa promoters through the broadcast periods, according to the needs of each country. This continuous mentorship consists of feedback to ensure that the principles of sbcc are being followed. This mentorship will help crs teams (1) design, produce and facilitate the entertainment education live call-in programs, including accompanying crs-led trainings with radio stations; and (2) to strengthen the communication capacities of the asa promoters to participate in the live shows and become advocates for the issues promoted in the campaign. This model will lead to improvements in the quality of the programs, as well as to the sustainability of the campaign beyond the intervention period.3. Broadcast and re-broadcast of additional content and peer-to-peer feedback - pci media advises on the setup and running of the soundcloud system and the peer-to-peer feedback model.4. Produce additional communication resources - pci media produces 6 new mini-dramas and 6 new radio spots during 2021, to be broadcast during the planting seasons of april/may and august/september.unicef spotlight initiative the spotlight initiative expenses $145,796 - thematic focus in the caribbean was the reduction in prevalence and incidence of family violence. The initiative recognizes that family violence is a form of gender-based violence in which women and girls are disproportionately impacted. The initiative is concerned to address the root causes of this violence, that is often rooted in unequal gender power violence negatively affects a range of human rights including women and girls' access to sexual and reproductive rights and services, education and economic opportunities.the si caribbean regional programme focused on 4 areas of programming:i) working to ensure institutions are gender-responsive; ii)establishing comprehensive and evidence-based prevention programmes aimed at changing social norms and gender stereotypes; iii) promoting the collection and use of quality, comparable data to inform public policy, advocacy, policy making, and delivery of complimentary services to improve prevention; and iv) supporting autonomous women's movements to influence, and monitor policy and to ensure accountability.pci media followed a four-phase approach and methodology:formative research and coalition buildingstrategy designproductiondisseminationdeli... for this work include:-inception reporting including work plan, country selection criteria and partner selection categories-media landscape analysis presented to relevant stakeholders; sample profiles of adverts; sourced and translated advertising content-draft and final modular advocacy strategy; two consultation sessions-creative briefs and treatments; online pretest; final sbcc materials-guidelines for virtual launch promotion and rollout; working sessions with partnersother programs - expenses $1,291,966deliver projects utilizing social and behavioral change communication (sbcc) which is the strategic use of communication to promote positive outcomes in health, environment, and social justice. These projects employ a systematic, participatory process that utilizes television, radio, video, print, social media, interpersonal channels, and community mobilization to achieve defined objectives at the community, national and regional levels.