Program areas at PBI-USA
COLOMBIA PROJECT: During 2023, PBI Colombia engaged in constant and frequent dialogue with high-level government agencies (Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior, Deputy Ministers and the High Commissioner for Peace, among others) to convey the security concerns held by Colombian human rights collectives and movements. PBI maintained its high level of engagement with the European Union and the UN Security Council in 2023. PBI has increased the visibility of this resistance process through advocacy actions with the international community, organizing visits and facilitating meetings with Congress representatives (Germany) and members of the diplomatic corps (France). In the regional context of Buenaventura, PBI's integral accompaniment contributed to progress made by several organizations towards the construction of a stable and lasting peace. Despite the ceasefire signed in October 2022 between the armed groups involved in the conflict, the situation in Buenaventura was critical in 2023. A spike in shootings between the gangs was reported in May, along with an upsurge in killings and invisible borders. There was a brief respite in the violence at the end of that month, but it escalated again in June. PBI accompanied CIJP in its initial engagement with the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace regarding local communities and their needs. This action generated space for a State-led process focused on reconciliation, assisting people living in the neighborhoods that the gang conflict has hardest hit in Buenaventura.
PBI Mexico: With ten international volunteers and seven hired staff in the country, PBI has a coordination office based in Mexico City. In Chihuahua and across other Mexican states, PBI accompanied defenders working on impunity, women's rights, strengthening of indigenous rights and protection of the environment
GUATEMALA PROJECT: A team of an average of 6,81 international volunteers per month accompanied 339 human rights defenders working on environment and land rights, impunity and globalisation. The project provided 217 accompaniments, conducted 33 visits and meetings with human rights defenders to provide moral support and practical advice on their protection needs, and facilitated 13 workshops on protection strategies for 333 human rights defenders. Volunteers are based in Guatemala City and travel to other areas of the country.
PBI HONDURAS: A team of an average of 6 international volunteers per month accompanied 175 human rights defenders working on Business and human rights; Land, territory and environment; LGBTQI; Freedom of expression and association; Migration, refugees, internal displacement; Women and gender rights; Indigenous peoples; Impunity, justice and criminalization. The project provided 132 accompaniments, conducted 129 visits and meetings with human rights defenders to provide moral support and practical advice on their protection needs, and facilitated 16 workshops on protection strategies for 130 human rights defenders. Volunteers are based in Tegucigalpa and travel to other areas of Honduras.
INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT (ISEC): In 2023, ISEC provided ongoing coordination and support to the global organization oversaw strategic planning and development, ensured that PBI met its external legal, financial and compliance obligations, and coordinated global communications, fundraising and advocacy strategies.