Program areas at Peace Direct
Supporting local peacebuilders: we support local people on the frontlines of conflict who are preventing, responding to, and rebuilding after war. We do this through accompanying partners in conflict affected countries who work on various programs such as the reintegration of child soldiers; strengthening the work of communities; advancing the leadership of women and girls, to list a few.
The local action fund (laf):is a scalable, flexible and innovative funding mechanism to support frontline peacebuilding efforts in some of the most complex and volatile conflicts worldwide. It is supporting local peacebuilding efforts across multiple countries. More than just a grant-making program, the laf is an approach to supporting and strengthening local peacebuilding groups who are often operating below the radar of most donors and are not able to access funding.
Advocacy and research: we are committed to holding space for local voices to be heard in international policymaking, as well as advocating alongside local peacebuilding partners for the needs and recommendations they themselves identify. We also work to shift systems to center the local communities we seek to support.
Decolonizing aid: this program aims to further strengthen our understanding of how structural racism exists within the peacebuilding sector and beyond, to determine actionable ways that we can decolonize aid, and to then share these next steps and push for wider change with activists, advocates, decision-makers, and funders.
Public engagement: our objective is to build a broad-based public constituency who is informed, inspired, and activated to work for Peace in their own communities, and in solidarity with others around the globe.