Program areas at Penquis CAP
Housing & Energy Services: Provides assistance to mostly households who are low to moderate income. Fuel assistance and weatherization are the largest programs within the department. We offer home, lead and other inspection services to homeowners and work with communities to administer community service block grants. Our goal is to keep people in homes that are safe and healthy. Most programs cover the three county area of Penobscot, Piscataquis and Knox.
Child Development Services: Supports the development of children to their highest potential, recognizes parents as the prime educators of their children, and assists families in the attainment of resources and personal development resulting in a healthier and more prosperous community.
Transportation Services: Penquis reports Lynx Mobility and Transportation Brokerage under one department. The Transportation Brokerage is the single source for scheduling MaineCare nonemergency transportation in Penobscot, Piscataquis, Somerset, and Kennebec counties. Lynx Mobility Services provides and coordinates non MaineCare transportation, including transportation services to the general public for treatment of cancer clients, and for individuals with disabilities. It also provides MaineCare non-emergency transportation in support of The Transportation Brokerage.
Other Program Services include the following:Charlotte White Support Services: Provides housing, counseling, community support and developmental training to persons with mental illnesses and cognitive and intellectual disabilities. Also provides behavior intervention, case management, and training to children with disabilities.Family Enrichment: Promotes physical, emotional, and economic health through personal and community support, education, direct benefits, and appropriate linkages so that each individual, family and community reaches optimal social, emotional and financial wellness.In addition to the services noted above, the Organization conducts other activities the purpose of which is to assist local communities to mobilize their resources to combat poverty.